I don't accept FA without a text.
KAFVKA are mega awesome
Hi, I'm Nina. I love Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragonball, Pokemon and One Piece more than anything. Star Trek fan!!! I love animals and have 5 guinea pigs myself. I am happy to help with questions about species-appropriate husbandry. I have a broad taste in music: Ren, Greenday, Kontra K, Eminem, FALCO, Ed Sheeran, T-LOW, Linkin Park, Depeche Mode, The Busters, MJ, Queen, Casper, Cro, ElvisPresley, TonSteineScherben, KraftKlub, SDP, Bosse, Ärzte and Hosen (yes that's possible)! I love STAR WARS more than anything! I love horse riding and swimming, whether in the sea or the pool. I love Harry Potter, books + movies, I honestly give my opinion but keep my secrets to myself. I try to treat everyone the way I would like to be treated. My favorite things to eat are vegetables from the wok, spaghetti with minced zucchini sauce, casseroles and homemade pizza. My greatest wish is to have a dog and I hate arguments, read and injustice. I don't have a lot of money and I'm happy with it. I like tattoos and am tattooed myself. I have loved Madeira ever since I went there on vacation and I really want to go back. I like soccer, I like to watch games and I am a fan of Werder Bremen and St. Pauli. I love salty popcorn, Center Shocks and anything made from corn. I'm a bookworm and usually read 4 books at the same time. I like retro games and like to play Game Cube and NDS. I love Pokemon! My favorite Pokemon is Bisasam. I like thunderstorms, rain and storms. My favorite season is autumn. I'm allergic to onions.
Draw lines with a sharpie, not a pencil!
The gives sword life.
All the money in the world is just paper that crumbles!
May the force be with you!
There can only be one.
One step to the right is two steps too many.
If you want to prolong your life, you have to do everything you can not to shorten it, right?
"Being an animal lover means loving, respecting and showing compassion to all of them, not just the ones society says you should love.
There is no search thing as a spoon.
Breathe deeply - sea peace
Harry not the dead. Pity the living, and especially all those who live without love.
When we dream, we enter a world that is entirely our own.
But believe me, you can find happiness and confidence even in times of darkness. You just have to remember to let a light shine.
It's no good just chasing our dreams and forgetting to live.
Being different is not a bad thing. It means you are good enough to be yourself.
After all, for the well-prepared mind, death is just the next great adventure.
Order is only for the stupid - genius rules chaos.
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