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πŸ’« Jo, Hi πŸ’«

I'm here on GF because I just had a question. Maybe I'll have some in the future.

I love listening to music, podcasts and documentaries, drawing, learning most of the time, Diamond Painting and journaling.☺️

I'm just weird and therefore an outsider. It took me a while to accept it and understand why.πŸ˜…πŸ˜”

You are welcome to send me a friend request. But I don't write about sexual or perverted topics!!️ Otherwise, I'm happy to. I almost always accept them. But I find it pointless if you only write hi and what's up. That's why it would be nice if the chat was a bit more exciting.πŸ™ƒ

LG πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰

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