Thank you God,
that he always surrounds me with his love and goodness and reveals the truth to me. So that even between us, truth and justice govern.
- Christ
- Stoapfälzer Mundart Research
- Globuscritic
- Jesus is the Lord
- Welding
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural machinery
- Steel producers
- Agricultural aid
- Travel: Tanzania, Kenya, Crete, France, Tunisia, Austria...Dresden, Regensburg, Paris, Munich, Nuremberg, Hannover, Berlin, Kufstein, Amsterdam, Hundsling;)
- For peace
- Against weapons deliveries
- In a partnership
The LORD bless you, and keep you, the LORD shall make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you, the LORD shall have his face upon you, and give you peace.
4. Moses 6,24
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