Change your cover photo

Hello and welcome to my profile,

I hope you or you are okay?

If so, why are you here?

Regardless of the fact that the profile view has changed somewhat in recent years, I still leave my original text (after the last change, possibly between 2020 - 2023) and will pass on to you:

I, as an autonomous profile text, stand on the left. Above and below me are the stupid awards and information about the profile owner:


On the right of me are the questions and answers from the profile owner.

You can see in a tab below the profile owner's image what he/she has answered, asked or liked.

Have fun with <3


"Hallöchen Allerseits, Who asks how long he will still live on the right to the fortune-teller. Who asks why his life was so miserable, please left to the "left-edge". (Copyright by Predbabe) The rest: Welcome to my profile, nice that you found the way despite all the atomic waste:) Plädoyer: The world will go down - sometime. When exactly nobody knows. Why no one knows exactly (lachflash). Let us finally enjoy the rest of the hours, months and years together in the harmony that we have hoped and desired for decades! Peace Predbabe!"


Update 01/25

This user account status is Approved

This user has not added any information to their profile yet.

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