Explanation of the emojis:
😅 -> I like to laugh and at everything, no matter how silly it is
♓ -> Am a fish and (mostly) act like one
🤗 -> I like to be nice to others, and so get niceness back
A 15 year old girl is holding the hand of her 1 year old son. People insult because no one knows that she was raped when she was 14.
People call an old man fat because no one knows that he has a disease that makes him overweight.
The soon girl you laughed at will soon the of cancer.
People call a scarred man ugly because no one knows he got his scars from a fire he saved 4 people from.
The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several pounds of makeup in the hope that someone will like her.
The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.
The boy you laughed at because he cried has lost his mother.
Tell a hurt person a thousand times how beautiful and nice he is, he won't believe you. But tell him once that he is fat and ugly and he will never forget it again.
If you are against bullying like us, then copy this text into your profile!
We bet 95% won't do it, but then there are still 5% who do and that is already a success!
If you have read this far, respect then 🙂 Love y'all
(You have more patience than me)
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