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I'm glad you came across my profile✨☺️

🐾: I love animals of all kinds, especially penguins, elephants, wolves/dogs/foxes/bears and meerkats

🎨: Drawing is a great passion of mine and my absolute favorite hobby.

I love eating in general!!!

I don't like reading, but when I came across the "Warrior Cats" book series by the "Erin Hunter" writing group, I fell in love straight away. I can highly recommend Warrior Cats to anyone who likes cats, wildlife and action. But so people who are on the side of the dogs (like me) can love this book!!! I have managed to make Warrior Cats my favorite book series, and if I have, then you will too🫵.

I am participating in a Warrior Cats RP. Everyone can join in!!! It takes place on WhatsApp. If you want to join in, here's the link:

Here is my character from my Warrior Cats fanfiction:

  • Name: Leafpaw

  • Rank: Student/Healer

  • Clan: Windclan

  • Mother: Missy (female)

  • Father: unknown

  • Father's mother: Rosefur

  • Father: Crowpaw

  • Brother/siblings: Flamepaw, River

  • Appearance: like a Rhodesian Ridgeback

As you've already noticed, I'm a dog in my FF . That's because I'm a dog person, but I still love Warrior Cats!!! I wanted to try something different. And I came to the conclusion that this was just right for me.

My favorite cats from Warrior Cats (in no particular order):

  • Ravenpaw

  • Map of Shadow

  • Jayfeather

  • Spikefrost

  • Crowfeather

  • Feathertail

  • Giant Star

  • Bluestar

  • Firestar

I don't just like Warrior Cats though!!! I love anime like:

  • Naruto-Boruto

  • Dragon ball

  • One Piece

  • The Seven Deadly Sins

  • Ame and Yuki - the Wolf Children


My favorite anime is Naruto

My favorite manga is Boruto Two Blue Vortex

My favorite anime movie is Ame and Yuki - the Wolf Children

Gods I can recommend you Ame and Yuki - the Wolf Children!!!! This movie is sooo cute🥲

I hope you know more about me now!
May the star clan light your way🐾✨

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