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It's nice to see you on my profile ♥️

So here's some information about me:

My name is Chiara and I am 16 years old

Sports is next to my family, my friend and my friends the most important thing in my life

Because I do athletics, dancing and kickboxing as performance sports in the club 🤍

I also help the E-Jugend football training as a coach and play football in the club
I am a big FC Bayern fan btw... ⚽️

Hiking, skiing and basketball (not in the club) also belong to my hobbies in my other leisure 🦋

Otherwise I hear a lot of music, e.g. on the way to training...

I'd be like:

  • Sporty

  • sarcastic

  • humorous

  • self-confident

  • very ambitious

  • team-based

  • with feeling

  • loyal

  • warm hearts

  • often impatient (both with others and myself)

Description xD

So okay, I think that was now enough info... 😂


Family should always be first

Kool Savas

When you laugh at the end, every tear is rewarded


Loyality means to come who wants what wants and so often wants it. I'm standing with you


Everything is transient, except true love, for it is infinite


Wonderful people here:


You are simply an angel ♥ To have met you, my heart fills every single day with joy ♥️ Your heart is made of gold and you are simply one of the most sensitive people I have ever encountered ♥️ Lyttmabms ♥️


Honestly sweet... You are simply perfect ♥ You have a heart of gold and the look of a supermodel ♥ Stay so wonderfully sensitive, warm-hearted and easy cute ♥♥ Lyyyyyyyy ♥️♥♥️♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


You're just a sooo great person I've been closing in my heart since the first minute ♥️ You are sooo humorous, loving and warm-hearted... You + Luise = dream pair ♥️ Ly sweet ♥️


Sooooooo sympathetic and emphatically simple ♥️ And crispy humorous! With you to write makes IMMER fun and with you to annoy Luca is anyway the best xD stay as you are ♥️



Oh, my...What am I supposed to write with you 😂 Okay, so you're just such a crassy, humorous and ddd above all sarcastic person xD love your character 😂 Stay as you are, poison zwerg xD

Lenchen2007 ♥️

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