I am mainly here to help people, give advice and - as long as this is done objectively and respectfully - to discuss and debate. I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion and that this should be respected, even if it contradicts your own. I therefore always assume that the person asking the question is telling the truth, as I find it counterproductive to invalidate the feelings and thoughts of the person seeking help. Our perceptions and experiences in life are subjective and therefore always valid as search.
I try to keep in mind that the best advice is not always necessary what you would do yourself, but what would be most helpful in the context of the person asking the question. I love to combine empathy and logic in order to put myself emotionally in the other person's shoes to understand what they are feeling and to give advice that really solves problems and not just combats symptoms.
I therefore believe that all people are basically "good" and that bad deeds are committed because bad things have happened to them and/or they are unhappy with themselves, their lives or the world for whatever reason. I have found (both through myself and through others) that all-round happy people never intentionally try to make others unhappy. I think it's fundamentally important to use and spread positivity (where appropriate), optimism and empathy to help people with their problems or simply to stand by them. The world would be a more peaceful place if we all made a little more effort to be thoughtful, respectful, child understanding and less judgmental, condescending and inconsiderate of each other. ♥️🫂
Everyone has feelings and everyone has reasons for their actions and thoughts ➡️ I try to keep that in mind with every answer I type.
So, it's a great way to kill time learning something on the side if you need to do some research for a question. That makes my ADHD nerd ♥️ happy. 🤓
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