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Joah, I'm 128

I see everything! (ok maybe not everything but you know what I mean)

I didn't choose the name because of my age!
Please stop making that joke about you being 128 years old or you're 12, 28 or whatnot :3

̊ ̊‧ ̊ ̊ ➔

<3 Varuuk:
🔥 🔥
<3 Mako4:
<3 Maeuschen11:

I love u:3

What my emojis mean:

Salad and dinosaur: I like to call myself salad, dinosaur and a few other things (e.g. cookie xD).b. cookie xD) But I like them just like that 🙂 This came about because of a few jokes with my colleague.

Bloom: I like cherry blossoms :3

I like to write long ideas. :3

I'm absolutely always bored, so I'm happy about people who want to chat with me. However, from now on I will only accept requests with a reason!

I am a hobby screenshotter!

💥╾━╤デ╦【 (-_- )

(don't ask)

My data is mine, just like my food.

I'm online here quite often, and so check almost every day because I'm hoping for news lol

"Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear! It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."


I support my friends, and help them. Both online and offline. If someone entrusts me with a secret, I keep it. Unless you're building shit, then we'll see. ◉‿◉

I'm an animedy, and I like romance anime best. <3
My favorite anime are My Dress Up Darling, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and Blue Spring Ride. :
I love manhwa's, and just searched through dreaming freedom. 😛 (so when a new chapter comes out I read it straight away)

I love movies and series in general and currently obsessed with Hazbin Hotel 🔥

I like Greekology <3

Maybe I'm not perfect, but I'm only human, so let me, and others, live as I please.

I LOVE to draw. :33

So I'm abnormally annoying. xD

Here's something important👇:

I actually had this anti-bullying stuff in here, but I didn't have enough space so I took it away. Bullying is still not cool, don't do it.

Here are three quizzes about me!

That's all I have to say

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