Usb-Stick – welche Größe für Lieder?


Da ich morgen ein neues Auto bekomme, in dem es keinen CD-Player mehr gibt, ich aber oft CDs höre, möchte ich die Lieder auf einen USB-Stick ziehen. Es werden so 60 Lieder sein.

Ich wollte die Lieder von den CDs auf den Laptop ziehen und dann auf den USB-Stick kopieren. Was meint ihr brauche ich für GB?

Und wo kann man am besten Folgen einer Serie aufnehmen und speichern? Es gibt die Serie nämlich nur auf Joyn und nicht auf DVD. Hab etwas Sorge, dass die irgendwann nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Kann man die besser auf einem USB-Stick oder DVD speichern? Sind allerdings 80 Folgen. Kann man überhaupt was von Joyn ziehen? Oder kann man es auf Dailymotion speichern?

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1 month ago

DVDs are defenitively expensive and outdated. A series with 80 episodes and assumed 45 minutes per episode can come to 100Gb and more depending on the image quality. A 128GB Sick costs around 25€.

60 songs in MP3 format, however, won’t be more than a few hundred MB. 😅

LG Animelove007

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

A DVD or CD is too sensitive for use in the car. What do you think you’re happy when you have 80 hours of audiobook in reserve?

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

There would have to be 16 enough, because you usually find them hard or are too expensive, take 32, then you have much more space for new songs.

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15
1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

I don’t know Dailymotion, sorry. Better on USB stick, VIEL costs less. As said, the songs consume little, far below a GB.

1 month ago

Okay, then I’d save them in the cloud. Or you buy a NAS (Network Attached Storage) or a RAID system; this is a bit more expensive, but a more durable option to keep your films. RAID is the uniquely safer version, but you can also save it in a cloud; then you have access to it everywhere.

1 month ago

What I forgot about the series, take a 1TB = 1000GB hard drive. Can be a HDD because you don’t need excessive fast power for film storage.

1 month ago

USB sticks usually hold 10 years. It goes longer, but also shorter. If you really care about it, the songs will be stored in a cloud. It’s almost impossible to lose your data, as they are stored repeatedly.

1 month ago

from the CDs to the laptop and then copy to the USB stick

Don’t just pull it from the CD on the stick, you know, right?

What do you think I need for GB?

This depends on the format and quality. For mp3 with 128 kbps you need about 300 MB, depending on the song length, for 320 kbps (quality of most streaming services) approx. 550-600 MB. For the loss-free FLAC format (same as the original CD quality) approx. 1.3 GB.

Is probably just in MP3 format?

Nope. Most cars, especially modern, can also be other formats like WAV or FLAC.

where can you best record and save episodes of a series?

Legally you get the only DVDs/Blurays purchased or the TV.

Can you store it better on a USB stick or DVD?

Well 1. DVDs are significantly more unwieldy, 2. a DVD is limited to 480p – ergo arises Quality loss when the source material has higher quality.

Can you even pull something from Joyn

It is possible that there are tools for, but it is not legal.

can you save it to Dailymotion?

On or from Dailymotion? On Dailymotion, but there would be copyright problems. By Dailymotion? Of course you can download from there, e.g. with the jdownloader.

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

So enough 4GB?

In any case, yes.

Unfortunately, there is not the series on DVD. Since I like them so much, I would like to store them.

Everything’s said above.

1 month ago


The stick depends on the format you store the CD.

Uncompressed has a CD around the 700Mb. There you can come with a 32 – 64 Gb stick.

If the songs are in mp3 format, each song is around the 3Mb. You’d be cool with 1Tb.

I would save series to an external 2.5″ hard drive. Although they are somewhat more expensive and slower than 3.5″, they are much more handy and do not need an external power supply.

For what reason You’re saving them, but it doesn’t matter either it’s legal or not.

1 month ago

Fit on a CD blank with 700Mb approx. 100 tracks in highest mp3 (320 kbps) resolution.

1 month ago

USB sticks are cheap. Buy you 32 GB, that’s enough.

You can’t just pull the songs from CD to USB. You have to convert it to mp3. There are free programs on the Internet, you have to google.

Also to save series, there are programs to download them. You have to google, especially if it is possible with Joyn.

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

Depends on how much you want to save. Just looked at a song, where there are about 2 MB per 1 min.

I don’t know Dailymotion, I have Stacher7 for video downloading youtube. I don’t know if it works with Joyn.

If the series are so important to you, I would save it to USB and buy it to me as an additional backup. DVD can be scratched quickly and then may no longer be readable or have slippers. That’s why I’d rather take USB.

1 month ago

The stick can be so small, this “size” you may not get anymore. ^^

What you need to pay attention to is what format your multimedia system supports.

1 month ago
Reply to  LaylaFan15

It’s best to take MP3 as format. This is rocky, but it works everywhere.

1 month ago

Take a Micro Line with 8 or even 16GB. Enough space and things in size cost… no more.

1 month ago

Place? Endless. The Micro Line is about the format as a dongle for a wireless mouse/keyboard. Very small. This minimizes the risk of running away.

1 month ago

I have an 8GB stick for almost 130 songs for my car.

It’s a Micro Line from Intenso. He doesn’t need much space: