USB Stick kaputt oder Dateien beschädigt?
Hallo zusammen,
ich will Daten, die in mehreren Ordnern strukturiert sind auf einen neuen USB-Stick von HP mit 1,9TB kopieren. Jedes mal wenn ich das mache, kopiert es die Ordner aber manche Ordner sind einfach leer. Auch kam einmal die Meldung beim Kopieren: kann nicht kopiert werden da das Vezeichnis beschädigt ist. Alle neuen Dateien, die ich daraufhin auf dem Stick erstellt und gespeichert habe, sind beschädigt und nicht auf andere Sticks kopierbar.
Ich habe jetzt einen dritten Stick ausprobiert und habe wieder dasselbe Problem mit den leeren Ordnern. Jetzt frage ich mich, ob es am Stick liegt oder an meinen Daten?
Vielen Dank.
Where did you get the sticks and what did they cost?
1TB sticks cost a little fortune. Most on the market are fakes. These are small sticks that have been manipulated so that they display much more memory than they have.
If you arrive at the end of the actual memory, it starts again at the beginning, new data then overwrite the old and parts of the file system.
There are tools that can check this. I use F3
My father actually gave it to me and I didn’t know it. Once again, it is probably such an extremely cheap flash drive usb stick from HP. I guess it’s sticky. That makes sense.
Thank you for the good answer.
Then check the stick with F3.
In the Linux version, you can even format it so that you can use the real memory normally.
I’ve seen something like that with a cheap stick. I had to throw him away. With another stick everything went smoothly.
I suspect an error in the chip during the data transfer from laptop to USB memory, i.e. the “USB Gateway” which then forwards the data to the memory chip for final storage. There’s something stupid and the laptop doesn’t get feedback that what went wrong because the stick itself is convinced that he did everything right. So no real error in the NAND modules, but in between in the USB cache.
But it’s just a guess. You can check this with another stick on the same USB port – if that fits, the stick is clear.
I would have an idea to change the file system when formatting whether something changes. I don’t deny this much success, but who knows.
Nevertheless, I would not entrust valuable data to this stick. So always keep copies.