USB-Stick kaputt nach flashen?


Ich habe gerade eben einen Bootstick machen wollen mit Rufus. Habe dann den Prozess abgebrochen, weil mir beim konfigurieren ein Fehler passiert ist. Jetzt wird der USB-Stick im DateiExplorer nicht mehr angezeigt und in der Datenträgerverwaltung steht er hätte eine Kapazität von 0mb. Wie kann ich den Stick reparieren?

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1 year ago

the USB stick no longer displayed in the FileExplorer and in the Disk Management it would have a capacity of 0mb

The stick is formatted to make it boot-fig.

If you cancel this process naturally, formatting will only be done half or incorrectly.

So you need to format it again via the program or format it yourself to use it again as a normal USB stick:

cmd -> "diskpart" -> "list disk" -> "select disk " -> "clean" -> "create partition primary" -> "format fs=fat32 quick" -> "exit"
1 year ago
Reply to  AntlHD

Skip “clean” and continue with partitioning.

1 year ago

Can you delete the partitions in disk management? If so, just create a new one.

1 year ago
Reply to  AntlHD

Did you just pull it out to break it? It can be that he has something “adjusted” internally.

I’m just getting Linux to check out what’s really going on. Because on Linux you can see exactly what happens when the stick is addressed and you can even if it is not recognized correctly partition

1 year ago

Give in a console

dmesg -w

one. The -w lets the current events appear immediately. The best way to press Enter before inserting a few times so you have a gap and can see exactly when messages appear about inserting the USB stick.

1 year ago

Try “diskpart” .

1 year ago

Try to flash again, but complete this time.

1 year ago
Reply to  AntlHD

You need to re partition the stick with Windows disk management and then format it (Ntfs, or Fat32).

In this way, the stick also receives a toortable drive letter again.

Only then can the data carrier be displayed again in the file explorer.

1 year ago
Reply to  AntlHD

Then see if diskpart is about the CMD somehow. Otherwise try Linux.