usb stick geht nicht mehr?
hallo ich habe gestern abend meinen usb stick und mein handy an meinen pc angeschlossen um daten vom handy auf den stick zu ziehen. auf jeden fall hat sich der stick nach 2 minuten dann getrennt. als ich ihn rausgenommen hab und wieder reingesteckt habe um es nocheinmal zu versuchen wurde auf einmal kein datenträger mehr im usb stick erkannt.
jetzt meine frage: worann kann es liegen das er nichtmehr geht und wie bekomm ich ihn wieder zum laufen (da sind echt wichtige daten drauf die ich unbedingt brauche).
If it is an error with the file system, you can save it yourself with data recovery software.
If the stick does not allow access to it, you can read the storage chip directly as in the attached photo.
With a 32GB USB stick, this costs, for example, 99€ after success.
Lg Tobias
The file system is damaged during the notification. You can use DMDE ( save.
Then format the stick.
there comes only the message that the device is not ready
Try it with Linux. If that doesn’t go, the stick won’t have a problem with the file system, but with the firmware. Then there is only data recovery in the laboratory from 199 euros.
You can’t work without tools… If you’re talking about the data, you’ll have to get some things.
If not, just throw the stick away and buy a new one.
because I only have one and it’s broken
I have not
Boating USB stick.
where should I get here now
Stick defective, happens hold. Faster than with HDDs and even faster than with SSDs
If you can also be a damaged file system, you should look, you can test by DMDE
And if the stick was powerless for more than a year, then you can also say goodbye to the data that once were on it…
there comes only the message that the device is not ready
I wrote everything to write
otherwise “No BackUp, no compassion” has been valid for several years
Oh that is ko but try to save him with DMDE
there comes only the message that the device is not ready and not adequate
Oh then you think I can do more
There’s nothing to apologize for…
That’s true again sorry
But a chip off would be conceivable…
Stick is broken. Unfortunately, sometimes.
but why is he broken? I don’t understand
1. Part of the answer
Two. Part of the answer
Warm is what is broken today, although it was still quite yesterday!?