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2 years ago

that is typical of Microsoft. The USB stick is detected (so it must be plugged in) and they ask for it.

Microsoft may not recognize the file system (formatting).

Did you have an ISO to install an operating system?

Windows should have a disk management (because I don’t have Windows, I can’t say it anymore). Try to format it again.

Even better, get Linux, they don’t make such games.

2 years ago
Reply to  dsadwaf

Thanks for the star. Nothing should prevent you from using Linux. Many simply use both systems on a PC. Because Linux uses a boot loader that can boot multiple operating systems, this is not a problem.
Security is many higher than Windows. One reason is the strict separation between administrator and “simplify” users, as well as the exact separation between individual users.
Games are created practically only for Windows, so who wants to play should have Windows.

Microsoft lives in another world of thought with Windows. There are also used terms that are used differently in normal life.
Medium’s one. Partitions are called drives, although the nonsense is.

Formatting means creating a file system. (This is practically the shelf or cabinet in which files are stored).
In another “should” Windows finds nothing and then complains of missing medium, which is actually the stick.

Isn’t it understandable that I was running Windows in 2002?

2 years ago

Unfortunately, this looks hard for defective USB stick… But Evt was only deleted the partition and you could partition it again. Only according to experience, such messages are usually a sign for total damage.

2 years ago

Try it with me and Download Partition Master. Or try it with formatting in hard disk partitions etc.

(Have the same and it worked)