USB-Stick “Der Pfad ist nicht verfügbar”?
Seit Montag habe ich ein Problem mit meinem USB-Stick: er wird mir auf meinem Computer angezeigt, heißt aber anders und die Ordner sind auch nicht richtig. Wenn ich einen Ordner anklicke, öffnet sich dieses Fenster. Es sind wichtige Daten drauf, weshalb ich alles versuchen möchte diese wieder öffnen zu können. Kann mir jemand helfen?
Can it be that you have the data on the USB stick from another system? This looks like Windows cannot interpret the file system correctly.
Try to put the USB stick in another USB port. If this doesn’t work, you can try Ubuntu:
If I install Ubuntu, can I uninstall it again so I have Windows again? I don’t have any cd or anything from Windows because it’s already pre-installed on my laptop.
You can also install Ubuntu on a USB stick.
This is doof, because a name with * is in principle inadmissible. You can only try to rename it in the command prompt.
that goes from encrypted to broken directory.
Yeah, but I’d try a renaming. Gffls after a chkdsk.
the chkdsk is the repair of the broken directory. I opened on SD cards from cameras, who like to write bad bytes, cheap integrated driver software 😉
USB sticks are no longer what they were:) Not recommended for long-term and secure storage of data. I see them as a pure transport medium.
Update: There were important data on it.
With some luck, you get the whole thing with
in an admin console executed halfway back, otherwise only your backup will help to unpack.
Didn’t work:(how can I open/start the backup?
Of course, that depends on how/what you did it with…