Usa Visum dauer?

Hallo Zusammen

Im kommenden April wollen wir zu 3 nach Kalifornien Urlaub machen. Als Schweizer Bürger sollte das mit dem Visum/Esta kein Problem sein. Jedoch hat jemand von uns einen Albanischen Pass. Wisst ihr wie lange es dauert bis man ein Visum bekommt, bzw reicht die Zeit bis anfangs April ein Visum zu bekommen? Weiss da jemand bescheid oder kann sonstige Tipps geben?

Beste Grüsse

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1 year ago

Next April we want to make 3 to California vacation. As a Swiss citizen, this should not be a problem with the visa/esta.

ESTA is not a visa. https://esta.cbp.dhsgov/

However, one of us has an Albanian passport. Do you know how long it takes to get a visa, or is the time to get a visa until early April?

Bern gives 29 days for the B -1/2 visa. So he should start the process soon. It’ll work until April.

About Visa Processing Wait Times – Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants

Information about nonimmigrant visa wait times for interviews and visa processing time frames are shown on this website, as well as on U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites worldwide. It should be noted that the “Wait Times for a Nonimmigrant Visa to be Processed” information by country does not include time required for administrative processing. Processing wait time so does not include the time required to return the passport to applicants, by either courier services or the local mail system.

In addition, it is important to thoroughly review all information on the specificEmbassy or Consulate Visa Section websitefor local procedures and instructions, search as how to make an interview appointment. Embassy and Consulate websites wants to explain any additional procedures for students, exchange visitors and those persons who need an earlier visa interview appointment.


Does anyone know or can give other tips?

He must prove his will to return. So copy study certificate, employment contract, rental contract, etc so that he is well placed.

1 year ago
Reply to  stufix2000

Where was Esta supposed to be a visa, huh?

1 year ago
Reply to  sKunK89179


You could interpret that,