USA Reise, jemand bereit Erfahrungen zu teilen?

Hey 🙂

sorry vorab falls es hier so eine Frage bereits gibt. Ich (m/23) möchte nächstes Jahr für ca. 3 Monate gerne in die USA reisen. Am liebsten wäre es mir währenddessen dort auch zu arbeiten/jobben um das Land nicht nur als Tourist kennenzulernen. Hat jemand hier sowas schon mal gemacht und kann mir davon ein paar Tipps/Erfahrungen weitergeben ? (Visum, Jobmöglichkeiten,etc.)

bin über jede Antwort dankbar, soweit diese ernst gemeint sind 🙏🏽😊

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3 years ago

Because of the missing visa, your plan is condemned to fail.

In general, it is not liked to be seen in the USA when you work without a working visa. This can lead to expulsion with entry lock.

Anyone who wants to work in the USA needs a visa sponsor. These are organizations and only those can issue the forms, the DS-2019 or the I-29, which you need to apply for visas.

Unlike in New Zealand, Australia and Canada, there is no work-and-travel visa for the USA.

What goes to work in the USA goes under the J-1.

SelfWoofingU.S. is aware that they are not helpful to visas and that volunteers do a cultural exchange and don’t work (so don’t earn money, but should donate something else) school student/

Conclusion: Travel is allowed to spend money and have fun, are welcome, but it must be funded by saving or credit. That’s what US citizens do.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aleks981234

Exactly, that’s enough a travel permit, an ESTA.

This expressly prohibits a workload.

3 years ago

You can’t just work there when it likes well, ABER you could work & travel about an organization, since you get the visa

3 years ago

You have to decide! Either tourist or work visa.

“Next work” is not so easy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aleks981234

No, there isn’t.

3 years ago

You can’t work there. You have to finance your holiday yourself or you’re thrown out, and then you can never go back.