USA Reise?

Hallo habe da eine frage…

Also meine Frau und ich Fliegen ende Oktober nach Kansas City mit zwischenlandung bzw Zwischenstopp 1:30 Stunde aufenhalt Chicago beides zusammen gebucht bei Lufthansa…

Meine erste frage ist wird das aufgabe Gebäck weiter geleitet oder muss ich das abholen und identifizieren und neu aufgeben?

Meine zweite frage ist muss man beim zwischenstopp schon den security check machen oder kann man direkt weitergehen?

Dritte frage würde die zeit ausreichen ?

Hab auch schon von meiner schwager gehört der vor vier jahren in new york war und zwischenstopp in Detroit war das er nicht den koffer nicht holen musste und keinen Security Check machen musste und im internet finde ich auch unterschiedliche antworten

Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen und gute tipps geben wenn so ist das es schneller geht


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1 year ago

My first question is the task is passed on to the pastry or do I have to pick up and identify and reissue it?

You need to pick up the luggage through the inch and then re-supply. Sometimes there are bands for the so-called Connecting Flights.

My second question is you have to check the security check when you stop it or can you go straight ahead?

You mean immigration, you’re doing this at the first US airport in Chicago. After that you arrived and every other flight is a domestic flight.

Third question would be enough time?

Yes, otherwise the LH will take care of your further transport.

I also heard from my siblings who was in new york four years ago and stopped in Detroit that he didn’t have to get the case and didn’t have to make any security check and in the internet I also find different answers

There can always be exceptions. But that’s standard.

Maybe someone can help me and give good tips when that’s how it goes faster

1 year ago

Question 3, after 1 and 2 have already been answered here.

1:30 can be very narrow because you have to go through immigration and I have experienced time between 10 minutes and almost 2 hours.

If the snake is huge and you notice that it could be tight, contact an employee standing on the snake. They can get you out of there and prefer.

1 year ago

My experience is that you need to pick up the luggage but can also be delivered quickly. Security check will also be necessary. That’s all because Chicago is your first arrival in the USA. 1:30 can be enough, but it’s already close, because Chicago is a big airport.

1 year ago

Lufthansa would not offer the flight if it were impossible. However, 1.5h according to my experience are already scarce, there is already a small delay and a bit above average waiting time on immigration that it does not work. But that would then also not be a leg break, that is quite common. Then you’ll be rebooked to the next flight. This is often annoying, but also not an end to the world.

You probably flee with United Airlines? Then you can see when the next flight from Chicago to Kansas City went. In any case, I would go through my mind, which would mean missing the flight (later check-in at the hotel, transport) in order not to be headless in the case of cases.

For your questions:

Yes, after immigration, you have to pick up your baggage and get through the inch, after which you have to return the baggage (mostly there is an extra baggage for connecting flights).

Ask your brother-in-law again, maybe that was the return flight to Germany? After all, the baggage is checked through during the return flight with a stopover in the USA, after all you arrive from a domestic flight that doesn’t interest the customs.