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2 years ago

Packages are never good.

We can assume that the 331 million US citizens have a more differentiated view of those countries.

During my visits to the USA, I never met people who had confirmed that picture on the Meme. But there may sometimes be others.

2 years ago

Since I am often in the United States (my sister lives there) and can always listen to me.

We Germans are associated with Oktoberfest, leather pants, beer and sausages. Many amis I spoke to think that Hitler is a German.

And there were really a few amis who think that Austria and Switzerland belonged to Germany

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill


2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

He was born in Austria, then moved to Germany

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

Hitler was a native Austrian.

1 year ago

so let’s say: hitler was a native Austrian, but he worked mainly in Germany, and later also almost all over Europe.

2 years ago

I didn’t shoot anything at all, but I just said he was a native Austrian. What is your problem now? Falco and Co. were never the subject here. I never disputed that he was a German citizen.

You’re talking to me about something we don’t even deny.

2 years ago

Why are you so upset when someone says that the guy was born in Austria? That’s it. Which citizenship he has was never the subject here.

2 years ago

So what? I still don’t understand the logic. What does the birthplace of a politician have to do with a novel figure of an English author and what about Asterix or Superman?

2 years ago

What kind of logic is that? You have to explain it to us. Hitler was born in Austria, Bond is a British novel figure.

2 years ago

I’m talking about the birthland.

2 years ago

Every time I say “in from Austria” they have to mention our artist. I don’t think it’s funny anymore

2 years ago

only the Wiener Schnitzel is missing.

Sisi was already on Netflix, now everyone knows.

2 years ago

something from Austria, but DE more with Bavaria, so leather pants, beer etc.

2 years ago

But it is also Meme and therefore not to take so seriously. Could be done just as well with the USA. Just a spontaneous infestation, a meme stop. A picture of Donald Trump, a scene from the Vietnam War and a full weapon cabinet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

An overweight fast food eats and Trump in the Vietnam War, then you have everything together xD

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

It would be a good option.

2 years ago

Most do not even know where Germany is and do not think Liechtenstein is the capital of Vienna.

2 years ago

I know some Americans. The clichés are not VW (they are hardly or only inconspicuously present in the US market) or Bismarck, but rather Whiteworst/Lederhosen/Oktoberfest/Volksmusik, Hitler and BMW/Mercedes.

I don’t know about the Austrians, but Sissi could be natural. Many amis have even less knowledge about Austria. Most of Hitler think for example for a German

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

Hitler was not a German

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

Hitler was German

Please, what? Hitler was born in Braunau in 1889. At that time, it was part of the Austro-Hungary.

1 year ago


2 years ago

If there’s “Hitler was Austrian” that means “Hitler was German”? Interesting interpretation….

he was German

And Austrians, as it is written on Wikipedia and Co….

2 years ago

What do you understand:

“The citizenship of Adolf Hitler,the Austrian citizen until 1925, in the German Empire was on 25. February 1932″ not?

He was Austrian from 1889 and German from 1933.

Are you drunk or are you serious?

2 years ago

and Austrian….

2 years ago

Oh, man… just read something about it.

Adolf Hitlers – Wikipedia

At least the first sentence:

The citizenship of Adolf Hitler, the Austrian citizen until 1925, in the German Empire was on 25. February 1932

You can’t have an Austrian passport if you were German citizens

He was an Austrian citizen, then stateless, then German citizen and then Chancellor. Now understand?

That’s all he was German

I read everywhere that he was Austrian until 1925 and was born there.

Your historical knowledge (better: ignorance) is terrifying.

How can one deny that he was a native of Austria and an Austrian citizen? Sorry, but this is my 10-year-old nephew.

2 years ago


Yes, you can read on the Internet everywhere.

He has chosen to be deuscher and has longed as German

You don’t read my comments, do you?


Before a discussion comes again: his political action, or as what he felt, is irrelevant. It’s about facts.

In addition, he has committed treason by killing dollfoot

This has something to do with his ID and birth certificate?

Please show me a source that he allegedly has not been an Austrian citizen. That is exactly what it is all about.

2 years ago

Again: He was 36 years of Austrian citizens and 13 years of German citizens

2 years ago


and Three makes Nine!!

I’ll get the world

Dedicating how I like it So after the logic then?

Hitler was an Austrian citizen from 1889 to 1925 (thus 36 years), from 1925 to 1932 practically stateless and from 1932 to 1945 German citizens.

How do I do the world, regardless of my birth country?

Hitler was German state citizen

and Austrian citizen.

before a discussion comes again: his political action, or as what he felt, is irrelevant. It’s about facts.

If you are not even able to read and understand contributions on Wikipedia, you should be content with discussions about it. It’ll be embarrassing for you.

2 years ago

Austrian point

2 years ago

He came from Austria -) Austrians

2 years ago

he was not a child of German ….

2 years ago

have not been watching in history, or

2 years ago

na nit des gonze lebn long

2 years ago

ea isch in AT geboan and then Deitscha Fürhra woan, deshlab is ea aba koa Deitscha

2 years ago

Again: That’s not the point.