Ursachen wiederstand gegen Napoleon?
Was sind die Ursachen für den Wiederstand gegen die napoleonische Herrschaft?
Hallo, Ich wollte wissen warum man eigentlich in den USA Sklaven benötigte. Danke im Voraus !
Wann sollte Österreich wieder mit dem Rest Deutschlands vereint werden?
Schreibe morgen in Geschichte einen Test darüber und wollte fragen ob man es eher als Auf oder Umbruch bezeichnet und warum ?
wie war die Kriegszeit in Dänemark
Napoleon and his soldiers led into the occupied areas like ordinary asses…. who did not take into account the habits of the countries.
The “emperor” thundered the citizens for distribution payments, plundered the most valuable treasures of the countries and appointed his unfortunate relationship to kings.
The fact that many Frenchmen ran into the most beautiful women and spread the “Franzosenkrankeit” was only the little bounce on the “codzivil smeared French hat”.
Napoleon has transformed an originally democratic revolution into a bad nationalist dictatorship. This has, of course, produced resistance in the underlying countries, especially where it was possible to rely on traditional democratic structures, such as Tyrol, where the compulsory military force imposed by Bavaria on Napoleon’s order has led to revolt.
The others had something against it, so against the French Revolution.
The usual yesterday’s Prussia, Austria, to whom England joined and ebbes later Russia.