Can I go to a urologist at 25 (male)?
Hey, how quickly does a frenulum tear if the frenulum is too short? I'm really scared because I've been having a few symptoms when masturbating for the past day, which is why I stopped right away. It's a dull, pulling sensation on the glans around the frenulum. My urologist is on vacation. I'm worried that…
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Is it a crime if the partner/man/boy (or client) removes the condom shortly before insertion?
You can go back sooner
If you have any problem for which a urologist is responsible, you can (and should) go to a urologist at any age, whether you are 10 or 100.
can go anytime
Of course. I have many even much more younger patients.
Since I was 15 years old, I’ve been a urologist. Was at the beginning because of circumcision and now once a year to check up.
Men dare you,the ladies also go annually to the gynecologist
I was the first time in the Urologen with about 11
Yes, you can go to the Urologen with a younger age.
Yeah, you could go there with 19 or with 16. Doesn’t matter how old you are, but what’s going on with you down there, you need help
The first time I was with 4 at the urologist, the age doesn’t matter
That’s what happened earlier
Sure. Why not?
Whenever you want or need.