Urlaub zieht mich runter?

Ich war mal länger Arbeitslos, inzwischen habe ich wieder einen Job, schon seit Jahren. Arbeitslos sein war eine sehr schlimme Zeit für mich. Damals habe ich auch viele Freunde verloren.

Wenn ich Urlaub habe entspannt mich das nicht, es fühlt sich für mich nach Arbeitslos sein an. Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub, mein Job ist stressig, aber dann falle ich in eine Art Loch. Meine gewohnte Struktur fällt weg, ich bin unmotiviert, liege zu lange im Bett, fühle mich Nutzlos, esse zu viel, hänge nur vorm Fernseher. Ich will auch irgendwie nicht rausgehen.

Geht das nur mir so?

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5 months ago

I say this: lazy is negatively connotated for you, out of your experience with unemployment. On the one hand, this speaks for your willingness to perform, on the other hand, for it is difficult for you to give yourself a structure.

In the job, you get a structure that you fill with enthusiasm. At home, you are then overwhelmed with the time being meaningfully filled out, with meaningful filling can also exist in doing nothing and slotting, because these are the actual recovery phases that a body and a soul need.

I have a tip: sleep on holiday, but only until a certain time. Then take the time for a breakfast, maybe even with a newspaper (the older ones among us will remember) and join – no matter what weather – a walk! Physical exertion is good if you have a stressful job because it creates a balance.

Go swimming again, take a half day for shopping, just sit back in a café, visit one of your remaining friends! With one word: just spend some of your vacation outside.

This doesn’t solve all the problems, but there’s a structure you can create yourself. This is ultimately satisfying and creates relaxation. At least I hope.

5 months ago

I don’t know. AUch that’s a good idea why I’ve been routinely scooping that I’m doing every day. This is always up, as if I had to go to work. Make your morning at least very similar as if you had to work. Otherwise, look for hobbies that keep you busy…