Urlaub nehmen während Arbeitslosigkeit?


mein Arbeitsvertrag endet am 30.Juni und ich bin davon ausgegangen das ich übernommene werden, was nun nicht der fall ist. Im Januar hatte ich daher schon urlaub für august/September gebucht und bin insgesamt 4 Wochen weg. Nun habe ich heute schon meinen ersten Termin beim Arbeitsamt für ein erstgespräch. Meine Frage: soll ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich schon vor der Arbeitslosigkeit 4 Wochen in den Urlaub fliege? Oder ist das schlimm? Oder gar nicht erst thematisieren?

Danke im voraus!

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10 months ago

I would at least ask what to do in such a case.

I would also cancel the holiday in advance, it would be about a quarter of a year before the planned trip and therefore not too critical. Are you sure you have completed a travel cancellation insurance??

And in the future I would only book a holiday if I were sure to get a permanent employment contract!

10 months ago

You should do this in any case, as the agency for work must first approve the so-called locality.

10 months ago

Should you indicate if you receive appointments from the Office during this period and you cannot perceive them, you may threaten sanctions.

10 months ago

As unemployed, you will have 3 weeks of holiday a year

10 months ago

As a service provider, you have the right to apply for 21 days “local abnormality”. That’s NO vacation.

And the approval is granted regularly only after the expiry of 6 months.

The earlier exchanges are created, the greater the chance to get you back.