Im Rahmen meines Architekturstudiums analysiere ich gerade Duty-Free Zonen wie Samnaun in der Schweiz.
Bin gerade auf der Suche nach Personen die dort öfters hinfahren bzw. Urlaub gemacht haben.
Meine Fragen:
- Von wo seit ihr nach Samnaun gefahren?
- Warum? Welche Produkte wurden gekauft und warum diese?
- Was macht Samnaun noch sehenswert, außer die zollfreie Einkaufsmöglichkeit?
Antworten darauf wären echt super!! 🙂
There are trips both from Tyrol, the Inntal near Landeck (from Munich via Garmisch and then over the distance pass) or from the Engadin. First route is absolutely recommended for the car. On the other hand, you can also get to Landeck and from here use the postal bus (once change in Martina on the border) or via Switzerland, then from Landquart with the Rhätische Bahn through the Vereina tunnel to Scuo-Tarasp, then again by postbus.
Thank you for your answer!
What did you do in Samnaun?:)
So far I was only nearby, down in the valley, and therefore know the accesses, no more.
In any case, you don’t think it’s easy to get there, because it’s totally in the last corner and hardly any one would ever have gone. This is the reason for the duty-free zone because you can give an economic perspective to a lost village.
All right! Thank you!
So far, I’ve been to Samnaun for a few years. We were a small group and were on the way with the ÖV via Vereinatunnel. I didn’t like the place as far as I remember buying a bottle of cognac. The climax was surely the ride over the mountains to the Tyrol and then over Landeck – Arlbergbahn home. I saw Samnaun for me.
Thank you.
It was two weeks to climb in Samnaun. We came through the Inn Valley of Landeck and then turned off to Samnaun. We did not buy special products.