Urlaub auto reise?
Hallo, ich habe ein paar Fragen an euch. Ich möchte mit meinem Mann eine Autoreise in Richtung Barcelona machen. Habt ihr dazu Tipps? Lohnt es sich eigentlich? Unsere Eltern nerven uns ziemlich damit, was wir dort machen wollen.
Hallo, ich habe ein paar Fragen an euch. Ich möchte mit meinem Mann eine Autoreise in Richtung Barcelona machen. Habt ihr dazu Tipps? Lohnt es sich eigentlich? Unsere Eltern nerven uns ziemlich damit, was wir dort machen wollen.
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Wenn jemand übergewichtig oder untergewichtig ist und sich damit sehr unwohl fühlt, was sein Leben und sein Selbstwertgefühl belastet, und diese Person beginnt, Verantwortung zu übernehmen, indem sie Sport macht, ins Fitnessstudio geht und ihre Ernährung ändert, findet ihr das gut? Oder meint ihr, die Person sollte sich so akzeptieren, wie sie ist, und nichts…
If you can’t answer what you want to do there, you obviously don’t have to worry about it.
Why then drive to Barcelona if you have no interest in reading yourself out of self-motivation?
Whether it’s worth something depends on what you expect. No one knows your expectations here…
LG, Chris
Well, whether it’s worth it or not, you have to decide yourself. The area around Barcelona wouldn’t irritate me as a lonely holiday, it would take me back to Portugal, so I’ve already made a trip.
But you can research and decide whether you want to do this holiday or not. So, what stops? What do you want to do on site? How and where do you want to stay? How long do you have time? Which means of transport is best?
I would link it to a beach holiday either around Lloret del Mar (ca100km before Barcelona) or in front of Tarragona (El Vendrell-Altafulla) or to Tarragon ( Cambrils- Miami Playa).
Barcelona offers a rich nightlife and some beautiful sights for two/three days.
For the above destinations, book a nice holiday apartment and then take day tours, if necessary by train to Barcelona, in the city you have to drive and park.
I find roadtrips super. have once made one in the usa for 3 weeks, were 1 week on the way in Denmark/Sweden and have already traveled a few routes through Germany (romantic road, etc.).
best you look for a nice route out. so no autobahn – landstraße. see what you have for sights on the way. spontaneously would be zb. the Lake Constance, depending on which direction you travel from Germany.
maybe a little way around. drive past the lake, look at you marseille and drive along the coast. important is the way – not the destination. does not plan much, seek the hotels on the way. and if you like it? stay longer day…