Urin in der Boxershorts?
Hallo zusammen, bin 14 Jahre alt und habe das Problem, dass wenn ich auf Toilette gehe und dann die Hose wieder anziehe ich danach oft ein wenig Urin in der Boxershorts habe vielleicht nur mehrere Tropfen aber wüsste nicht woran das liegen könnte. Auch nach dem ausrütteln (wenn ihr versteht ) habe ich das Problem trotzdem, weiß jemand woran das liegt ?
Supposedly, you can prevent this (sometimes told me a urologist) by pressing a point between the sack and the asshole with your finger. That may be right, but I can’t pull down my boxershorts and the jeans so far, so I can get up with that finger.
Take care of me occasionally, but I don’t blame it. Typically after the good proverb (is that even one?) “the last drop always goes into the pants” I think if not much is normal.
Maybe you’re just too impatient? It doesn’t always have to go fast.
Then take more time to pee and wait until it’s tapped.
Or do you have a bladder emptying disorder? Then you have to go to the Urologen and ask why it comes in stages.
It’s normal to me, too.
Actually, this is a symptom of an enlarged prostate.
But with 14 rather impossible.
There is not without reason the saying “There does not help shake and no knock, the last drop goes into the pants”. But you can just try to dry the lizard with toilet paper after the cloak, or wash the penis with water shortly on the sink.
That’s what every boy/man has.
I had had been circumcision
The rubber of your underpants will definitely push under the penis. That’s why the penis tube is moving. When you pack your penis again, the tube is free and it drips some urine.
Try out and keep the underpants on peeing.
M22 gay
simply because it just drips…
Just use water or toilet paper…. like women even if ned smells like urine.
There is no shaking and no plug,
The last drop goes into the HOSE!
It doesn’t help shake or knock…
The last drop goes into the pants.
That’s normal. This is the “last drop” that always goes into the pants.
Don’t worry about it
You are incontinent