UPS Expressversand, kommt heute noch was?
Versandart ist UPS Express Safe.
Gestern wurde es abgegeben, heute muss es (eigentlich) ankommen.
Zwischen mir und dem Versender liegen ca. 2 Stunden Fahrtzeit, wenn man mit dem Auto fahren würde.
Der Versender meint, er hätte das Paket früh genug abgegeben um die Abgabefrist des Paketshops einzuhalten.
Am Telefon wurde ich nun schon zwei Mal bei meiner ersten Frage weggedrückt.
There are certainly more deliveries on the car than just yours. Of course, he needs more than two hours to deliver it all.
I find it unfair to try to put pressure on the consignor. If you need something right away, go to a store next time, you can take the stuff right away.
I only asked the consignor when he delivered the package because it is in the interest of both of us that the package arrives today. I don’t know where you’re taking out that I’m stressing the consignor.
I was pushed away at UPS.
You can’t buy the content in the normal shop and the answer does not help.
Furthermore, you also don’t seem to be aware that the package is not even in the delivery vehicle, according to the tracking of the transmission, but is still 2 hours away.
Therefore, please, if you have no answer to the question and do not know about it, please do not write anything.
Then the simple and usual answer to the whole package questions: Ifs rings, eats there.