Upgrade Gaming PC, Bitte um Hilfe!?
Ich möchte gerne meinen Gaming PC aufrüsten und möchte gerne eure Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen um mein Geld möglichst sinnvoll auszjgeben.
Mein aktueller PC besteht aus folgenden Komponenten:
Mainboard: MSI B350M
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600
RAM: 16 GB DDR4 (2X8GB)
GPU: Radeon RX6750XT
Netzteil: be silent 800w Gold
Festplatten: 2x 1TB Samsung SSD
Ich spiele vor allem Cyberpunk, Fifa25, WoW,….
Ich möchte am liebsten nicht mehr als 500-600€ ausgeben…wenn nötig, ginge aber auch mehr…
Ich habe am Schreibtisch nur Platz für ein kleines Gehäuse, daher fallen große Mainboards leider raus -> mATX ist zwingend erforderlich…
Habt ihr konkrete Vorschläge für mich?
Vielen lieben Dank 👍
the setup is so currently relatively balanced
Why do you want to upgrade your PC? Just upgrade it is not worth it. There must be a specific problem (too little performance).
In a first step it is necessary to find out which of the components is the bottleneck. This component can then be replaced. Simply check ingames, which of the components is permanently loaded.
I have just at fifa often jerkler, I guess. that is more of the ram than of the gpu, as it is with all (also min.) Graphic settings occurs. I want to change that, above all.
But before I only buy another 16GB DDR4 RAM, I might have thought to upgrade the motherboard plus chipset and memory and re-install a new GPU in 1-2 years.
Or then you’d rather leave everything like this, use the computer for a short year, sell it and renew everything?
Both options are okay. With upgrades, the costs are somewhat distributed. How to invest a little more
Top, then I found my setup!
Thank you very much
The 5 is easy for gaming. The Ryzen 7 7800x3D is not even so much better
Benchmarks + Index
That was also my thought, thank you 👍
Now the only question is whether Ryzen 5 7600x3d or Ryzen 7 7800x3d – price difference is currently about 180€ – I tend to be the 5’s… Or would I save it at the wrong end?
Soon the Nvidia Geforce rtx 5070 comes out. It has very good graphics and costs only 400€. On pcpart-picker.com you can compare all your new parts with the old ones and also enter everything you want to see if it is compatible with your current parts.
Thanks for the hint, the partpicker I will try later 👍
So I personally would be for a slightly more modern graphics card and a RAM update if necessary the power supply also adjust the components and upgrade accordingly
Thanks for your recommendation 👍
I have Gigabyte B650M Gaming X AX with a Ryzen 7 7800X3D and 4x24GB DDR5 8000.
OK, 96GB RAM as with me need it not really be with you (I also do a lot of video editing with it), but 32GB DDR5 (and also not necessarily 8000) would not be bad.
You can leave the rest for now.
8000s full of 24gb? Can’t believe it’s going to be sensible. The 7800X3D does not touch RAM clock at all. Timings are interesting.
Mine runs stable – even after an upgrade to Win11 24H2
Thanks for the recommendation 👍
If you can download this, you don’t have to go to the bios.
I had to find out – but could take time to get to it.
What does the R23 take on Watt? Vsoc?