Unzufrieden mit Job, Branche wechseln?
Hi, bin 20 und bin gelernter Koch. Habe vor 2 Jahren meine Ausbildung abgeschlossen, werde aber immer unzufriedener in meinem Beruf doch ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll…
ich möchte weg von dieser Branche, habe schon mehrmals Arbeitgeber gewechselt und festgestellt dass ich unzufrieden bin…hab mir auch schon oft überlegt die Branche zu wechseln jedoch weiß ich nicht ob es das wert ist … weil ich nicht genau weiß in welche bzw. was ich tun will, ob es den Aufwand wert ist weil es bestimmt lange dauern wird bis ich erfolgreich werde und ich dennoch viel zu bezahlen habe Miete, Essen, paar Schulden und so und ich ohne eine weitere Ausbildung in einem Job nicht genügend verdienen werde um das zu bezahlen können… hab mir auch überlegt vielleicht studieren zu gehen doch ich weiß nicht ob es das Wert ist da meine Unzufriedenheit in meinem Job von meiner Familie etwas runtergespielt wird… aber ich will nicht zu lang warten mit meinen plänen weil ich keine 40 sein will wenn ich einen passenden Job habe…
was soll ich tun 😩😩 ich hab schon vor mal erfolgreich zu werden um meiner zukünftigen Familie ein zufriedenes und finanziell stabiles Leben zu bescheren … doch ich weiß nicht welchen Schritt ich machen soll …
pls help
Hello, tomorrow! So for the first time… good that you notice that the industry doesn’t fit for you, good that you have goals (ordeterminate salary to make yourself and your own family something possible), that you want to learn (maybe study) and that now, with 20, note.
As others have already written: Do your thing and try not to live feelings of your parents. It is DEIN life and takes a long time (hopefully). Maybe your parents don’t trust you anymore, because they can’t even imagine and paint themselves – and that their child could reach that.
But as you say – you also have to be able to deny your AKTUELLES life financially and apparently also pay a few debts (debts, with 20 already? vulnerability).
Financial independence is good and therefore I don’t advise you to do a complete job of work, for example to go to an FOS/BOS for real school graduation, a specialist… I advise you:
– either work in your profession and earn normal money and visit evening/saturday evening school for a higher school degree and then a DUALE STUDIUM (because you earn from day 1) or
– to look for a training place (e.g. air traffic controllers, track builders…) paid to you as a chef, when you get it, you have to accept it and to terminate your current job at the start of training in this VERY GUT paid training job.
Both variants have the advantage that you continue to be fully merited… and at the same time you qualify higher or learn a much better paid training job, which hopefully lies more than your current industry.
Is that what?
I would also recommend a consultation in the employment office for possible requalification …! Simply arrange an appointment online at the next employment office. Happy 🍀🍀
Be aware of your feelings. What your family or society says is completely unimportant. It’s about your life.
You have the choice to do either half of your lifetime a job you will hate more and more with every day or at least try to find something you like to do. Whether it’s worth it, you have to decide yourself.
Wow. Sounds great! But how do I become aware of my feelings?
and unfortunately it affects me very much what father, mother and co think….
By stopping to worry about what others think of you – especially what your parents think – and starting to make their own decisions.
You have always been in the kitchen by a food controller who has also controlled hygiene during operation.
They also control snacks and shops.
I am not referring to the name (just a new question in this regard)
Wouldn’t that be something for you? You still had to do training.
Health office.
Why don’t you change the employer? Maybe a new job would bring you more fun.
Because I’ve done it several times
Oh so – you are indeed in a difficult situation.
As a cook, you certainly have extensive knowledge of food. Are there any jobs where you could use your knowledge without working as a cook? How about the food industry?
You are still very young and have all the time in the world to reorientate you and to learn or study a new profession.
Yeah, I know it takes a long time, but I don’t know if it’s worth it…
and yes, right. I’ll talk to them about it…
Hm – this will take a long time if you want to completely reorientate yourself professionally.
You live DEIN life and you have to see that you become happy, not the life of your parents. Your parents certainly want a happy son and will respect and tolerate your decision, whatever it will be! So decide completely alone according to your own feeling and not according to what your parents want. In this way you would never be satisfied.
Ok may sound crazy or too far brought up because I want to go completely away from this industry and cook to the hobby and because in the future I want to see in a chic suit and nem great car …