Unzerleibschmerzen aber keine Periode?

Hi erstmal

Ich habe seit 2 Tagen sehr krasse Unzerleibschmerzen und Kopfschmerzen habe aber meine Tage nicht. Ich bin schon fast 1 Monat überfällig kann es sein das es so anzeichen sind das ich sie bekomme?

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2 years ago

Do you get your period regularly or is that your 1?

Did you have GV before and maybe you’re pregnant?

Make an appointment with your female doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrisii76

Then I’d explain this to the female doctor… it can happen. that the 1 momat do not come when you are under very severe stress. (of which I have already heard)

Safe is safe, female doctor knows more than we 😉

2 years ago

You’re not gonna introduce yourself, fill out a questionnaire, put your health insurance card down… take it as long as you’re called…

The doctor calls you (can also be a man except you say intrusively that you want to examine by a woman)

A few questions will be asked by her and possibly by you…

She then asks you behind a partition wall to get you out of here if necessary, and you’ll be examined below.

But everything will be cleared as soon as you imagined. If you’re afraid, you can take your mother, so I did.