Unzensierte Animes auf Crunchyroll?

Hallo zusammen,

ich wollte mal fragen ob Ihr außer Highscool DxD noch andere unzensierte Animes auf Crunchyroll kennt.

Ich bedanke mich jetzt schoneinmal im Voraus.

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1 year ago

Most animes on Crunchyroll are uncensored.

Crunchyroll usually does not censor extra, but publishes the image material as it is delivered.

[Evtl., the bit rate may be somewhat downconverted for streaming if it should be too high. And maybe you don’t see everything from the picture when subtitles (for translation) are over. But I wouldn’t class this as censorship.]


Or do you mean uncensored that you see explicitly primary or secondary sex parts?

You should be a little clearer. Because only because no gender parts are shown, something is not necessarily censored for a long time.


Only because no exposed sexual parts can be seen in this picture, nothing was censored in the picture.

1 year ago

Sexual animes (so where there are sex scenes where you can see something) there is on Crunchyroll nothing less than uncensored. You have to look at hentais. If you are looking for animes in which you see breasts uncensored then e.g.

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