Unvergleichbarer Geschmack?
Hallo Freunde,
ich wollte mal wissen bei welchem Gericht eure Geschmacksnerven sich gefühlt neu verbunden haben und explodiert sind.
Weil bei vielen Gerichten finde ich, dass sie lecker schmecken aber nichts außergewöhnliches sind und meist vergleichbar mit ähnlichen Sachen sind.
LG und danke schon mal!!
Somehow, when eating, I usually enjoy not total surprises but harmony, diversity and complexity. Total surprises are fine but I rather expect from nem upscale restaurant not from everyday kitchen or own cooking there I want to have more familiar and tasty tastes.
Simple dishes like a fresh bread with butter and cheese can taste exceptionally good when the ingredients are high quality. Fresh bread with sourdough, butter with high fat content and a handmade cheese contain more flavors that make the taste more intense. Fat and umami, as they occur in butter and cheese, act as flavor carriers and provide a particularly satisfying experience. When you cultivate your sense of taste, you can perceive the fine nuances of such simple dishes even better. Sometimes it doesn’t need complexity, it just needs good quality.
My first experience of Thai food was great. Completely new taste experiences.
My first Cherimoya with cinnamon
My first parmas ham
My first blue cheese.
I look forward to my first papa fruit (Asimina triloba). I hope this year carries one of my trees
I am pleased that you have been able to experience such a beautiful, versatile and exquisite taste journey.
I personally have never been (or at least not conscious) Thai food, but is now on my to-do for 2025!
(PS: I hope your trees will throw something off!)
the three fall in spontaneously.
One of the most delicious dishes was a Mulligatawny in an Indian restaurant in Stuttgart.
Tortellini with mushroom cream and cheese.
A good Rheinische Sauerbraten (< of the horse), ... < for example!
A “simplified” flame cake from a wood stove … < first eaten in the Black Forest 30 years ago! That was sensational! ♥♥
With Senf (!) from Monschau you do nothing wrong! Even people who don’t like must– XD