Untrainertes herz?
Hallo, ich habe sehr oft ein ruhepuls von 90-100 (selten mehr) und bin M18. Ich spaziere tag 10 minuten ist aber glaube wenig. Vor paar minuten habe ich rund ums haus 5 minuten gelaufen und hatte leichte atembeschwerden aber keine brustschmerzen oder schwindel. Habe ich ein untrainiertes herz? Wenn ja was für übungen soll ich machen und wie viel?
The most common cause is diet and lack of exercise. You try to improve exercise, so you could try to improve the diet.
Many foods contain saturated fatty acids and trans fats that increase the LDL cholesterol content in the blood. As a result, the blood vessels are thickened and a healthy blood circulation is made more difficult, so that the heart has to work against it. Here are examples: Beef, pork, butter, egg yolk, dairy products, fried food, pastries and industrially processed snacks.
In addition, the arteries are thickened by high salt and sugar consumption, which can lead to high blood pressure. It should be the daily needs of 5g salt and 50g sugar do not exceed. A lot of salt hides in Ready-made dishes, frozen dishes, snacks/fast food, inlaid foods and snacks.
Of course, alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs are much worse for the bloodstream.
What should I have dinner if I’m not happy?
You can also find out if you really don’t taste the vegetables, or if you haven’t tasted the preparation so far. Many focus on how meat is prepared and neglect the preparation of vegetables.
Once broccoli as an example: cooks one minute too long, it becomes soft and pampy. If it cooks too little a minute, it remains hard and fiery. Ne priese salt too much and you taste nothing more from broccoli, too little and it tastes for water. And then there are many ways to garnish, with spices such as pepper and fondor, slightly roasted with olive oil, some roast sauce, cream sauce or soy sauce.
And that’s exactly how there are many possibilities for every other vegetable that are often ignored. Especially in canteens and fast restaurants, the vegetables are cooked only in salt water, mostly through and that was. This, in fact, rarely tastes good.
Vegetables is a good source of calcium and vitamin, but you get both from many other foods, also from effervescent tablets or other supplements. It is only important that the nutrient requirement is met without consuming unhealthy substances.
legumes provide many proteins and healthy fats, without cholesterol. Example: Kidney beans, white beans, green beans, soya beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas. Many pests are also made of soya and pea protein.
Grain supplies healthy carbohydrates and fiber: Wheat, rice, noodles, oats and corn.
Salad offers many vitamins and minerals, even without vegetables (gurches, tomato etc.).
If it must be meat, Chicken meat and fish in small amounts healthy. However, this always supports animal suffering.
Cycling, swimming, papa help with renovation.
Do what challenges you, but often/dealed and not just maaal, which is too little.
Don’t have a wheel and can’t swim. Can I train at home?
Wheels are cheaply used. You can learn to swim yourself.
Home lying supports.
Then I’ll be lying
“In older children and adolescents, the rest pulse is about 80 to 100”
“A few minutes ago I ran around the house 5 minutes and had light breathing discomfort but no chest pain or dizziness.”
If only near you is as weather as with us here with high humidity, that would not be unusual. Do you have low blood pressure?
10 minutes jogging doesn’t really work out.
You probably just have a bad condition in general.
If you worry, go to the doctor.
I’m going for a walk.
That’s less.
Thank you.
So can I walk in the house? So and so
If you live in a 12-storey house and walk up to the top floor every day, then yes.
Otherwise, we can save this sermon before you don’t understand whether you want to be healthier or not. And if so, it only goes with a proper, regular movement.
Is it better to walk in the house?
In any case, not with this heat, which puts the circuit too much.
What always helps me build basic condition is cycling. For the beginning of a half an hour on a flat track e.g.
Or walk for longer, a three-quarter hour to hour.
Pick some sport and start slowly.
How should I start more?