Unterwäsche länger tragen mit Slipeinlage?
Ist es okay seine Unterwäsche länger als ein Tag zu tragen wenn man Slipeinlagen benutzt? Ich mein in Bezug auf mehr Wäsche waschen und so? Was ist umweltfreundlicher?
Ist es okay seine Unterwäsche länger als ein Tag zu tragen wenn man Slipeinlagen benutzt? Ich mein in Bezug auf mehr Wäsche waschen und so? Was ist umweltfreundlicher?
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Theoretically, it should be relatively hygienic. I personally also usually wear a slip insert, but could still not wear underpants to say twice. I don’t know what a slip insert you’re using, but if the one way is, that’s not exactly more environmentally friendly if you throw away the one for it every day 😅
Yes is so, but that’s why I think it’s more environmentally friendly to wear, or to wash more
Very sure to wash more. Such a underwear also takes super little space in the washing machine. You can do another thousand other things in there
Yeah, well, I’m better for the environment. You could probably use it from fabric or something. If you think about it, there are also other possibilities that are more environmentally friendly
I know that, too, it’s like that.
In fact, usually daily 🙈 Feel me always fast uneasy due to outflow and so… There are only a few days in the cycle where the non-cum is present. That’s why, mostly
Do you also wear slip inserts daily or only to best. Occasions?
Whether it’s okay to wear a underpants with a slipper longer, you’ll have to make up your own hygienic feeling. However, it is no more environmentally friendly.
For the slip insert, energy, water and materials go on for the mastering, then transport and later disposal (burning + landfilling).
Letzeres don’t get dressed when washing. A ladies’ slip weighs about 80 g, i.e. in a washing machine with 5 kg capacity you could wash 62 pieces at once.
If you didn’t sweat very much, a second day might already go, but a slip more or less does not really notice in the washing machine.
If the washing machine is not fully operated, no energy is saved again.
Yeah, you can do it, but you really don’t need much space in the washing machine. When you calculate what the slip inserts cost and how much garbage you get more.
Hey Kosia – just smell on your underwear then you can decide if it’s still fresh enough.
The most environmentally friendly would not be washing!
Do, feel clean
Who can decide something like that except you?