Unterstützung in psychischer Notlage?
Hallo Community,
ich wende mich an euch, weil ich dringend Unterstützung brauche und hoffe, hier hilfreiche Antworten zu finden. Seit Monaten leide ich unter psychischen und körperlichen Problemen, die nach dem Tod meines Vaters noch schlimmer geworden sind. Schon davor hatte ich mit Depressionen und anderen psychischen Belastungen zu kämpfen. Der Verlust hat mich jedoch endgültig an meine Grenzen gebracht. Ich fühle mich überfordert, stehe kurz vor einem Zusammenbruch und bin nervlich völlig am Ende. Zusätzlich belasten mich eine toxische Beziehung und familiäre Probleme.
Aktuell bin ich arbeitsunfähig, weil ich es weder körperlich noch psychisch schaffe, meinen Alltag zu bewältigen. Leider fehlen mir jedoch die notwendigen Diagnosen und ärztlichen Bescheinigungen für das Jobcenter, wodurch zusätzlicher Druck entsteht, der meine Situation weiter verschlimmert. Ich habe Gewicht verloren und spüre Zuckungen in der linken Gesichtshälfte – mein Körper zeigt deutlich, dass er am Limit ist.
Leider fühle ich mich von meinem Hausarzt im Stich gelassen. Seit der Corona-Pandemie ist er kaum mehr für seine Patienten erreichbar. Termine bei Psychologen sind ebenfalls schwer zu bekommen, und die Wartezeiten betragen oft mehrere Monate. Obwohl ich bereits drei Gespräche hatte, habe ich mich dort nicht ernst genommen gefühlt. Es wurden mir nur Medikamente angeboten, die ich nicht möchte, da sie mich früher bereits tagsüber träge gemacht haben und ich „neben der Spur“ war. Mein Ziel ist es, meine Probleme aufzuarbeiten und nicht durch Tabletten zu verdrängen. Hinzu kommen unverarbeitete Traumata, die ich angehen möchte.
Ich suche dringend nach einem Psychologen oder Therapeuten, der mir wirklich zuhört, mich ernst nimmt und mich dabei unterstützt, meine Situation zu verarbeiten. Wichtig ist mir eine Person, die mir gegebenenfalls auch eine Krankschreibung ausstellt und mir durch intensive Gespräche und langfristige Begleitung hilft. Ich brauche einen Reset, bei dem ich mich nur auf mich konzentrieren kann, vielleicht auch in Form einer gesundheitlichen Kur, um aus meiner gewohnten Umgebung herauszukommen und neue Kraft zu schöpfen.
Ich möchte keine kurzfristigen Lösungen, sondern jemanden, der mir hilft, einen Neuanfang zu machen. Letztlich wünsche ich mir einfach, wieder glücklich zu sein, meinen inneren Frieden und meine Erfüllung zu finden, ohne daran zu erkranken und kaputtzugehen.
Ich danke euch im Voraus für eure Unterstützung und jeden Hinweis.
Viele Grüße
Disconnect with everything you do.
Whether in love, family, friends or work.
The only therapy I feel is self-healing.
I know some of those who have been in therapy for a long time, and in the end they have only seen it as a waste of time and money.
I myself can feel less in your situation, because I never had such conditions.
That’s not so easy, I understand your statement very well. But for that, I just need time for me one who writes me sick in the long term and I can heal myself. I know that you have to separate from all bad ones and I would like to just disappear and heal. As I said, I lack the diagnosis that the office also leaves me alone and through and housing assistance(cost etc). That’s what I can do to make a new start somewhere in DE. I need what they tell me urgently but that is not so easy if you don’t get help to be put in parallel as I get rid of diagnoses and so there is no way to work and grow
First you need a diagnosis or how to treat yourself for something.
Dates for such first talks are normal to get faster than therapy places.
as far as medicines are concerned, even if you don’t want to accept it first, and maybe you’ll find out what an antidepressant actually does in the body.
then it is important to get started. Sleeping 10 and then lying on the sofa all day is absolutely wrong. Make a structure in your life and stay on the ball.
movement is important. So every psychologist will advise you. Because you’re not currently working, you have time for it. Start with a walk and climber, but try to get moving every day. The best would be 3 times a week sports but for the beginning the walk would also be an option. Build the at fixed times in your daily routine a zb after eating.
In terms of movement and structure, I’m really well involved. Without medicine even better I do my sport every day, no fitness only calist. , read a lot, work with natural medicine, etc I run a lot as I lay down forest.
I’ll keep it all, otherwise I’d be completely lost. Rising between 6-8 is mandatory as I find it important to have system and since also the best time is to wake up and start the day.
I have referral documents but nowadays this is not compellingly helpful as you still wait for months my next is in late January until then I try to find other practices but also always months long wait times I do what and that almost every day I call Question I explain my problem but that is not perceived.
That’s why I’m here because I’m desperate and don’t get any help. My doctor says medicine is pure and good. Of this my stomach is broken I get unpure skin and as I said I am next to the track so I can not work on me as well as I am actually completely against tablets etc more ashwaganda or similar.
But what I want is simply a long-term medical prescription and diagnosis that you just give me the time with a reasonable pyscholog/in which supports me in a new beginning
I am not a man of sadness, which is why I want to go through for a long time and not pity, but the point is where I simply need advice and help
Go to your doctor! Otherwise go to the shrink.
Call your health insurance to help you find a psychologist!
If that doesn’t work, let yourself in!
Immediately: If you feel you can’t stop it, please call the rescue. They’ll send a car to you and pick you up to get you to a hospital with psychiatric emergency. You can stay there for a few days and get help and advice.
As far as psychologists are concerned, they usually do not issue any medical prescriptions. But they can examine you and use the diagnosis to recommend further treatments.
Your pediatrician can send you transfers to such investigations, then the health insurance fund takes over the costs.
You need to find the psychologists for this. Don’t worry, there are numerous lists online and about the search terms (always “sick money”, “all cash registers” or “cash” as a search term and search these terms on the websites!) you can find their websites.
A therapy makes little sense if you have no diagnosis yet. Therefore, I would definitely recommend the investigation.
With the diagnostics, you can search for therapists. Here, too, there are cash therapy you can find in the same way as the psychologists.
Look after additional relief organizations. Women’s and men’s advice can help, here in Austria there is the PSD, the psychosocial service, which offers a wide range of assistance at the expense of the cashier, perhaps there is something like that with you. Also search organisations and (self-help) groups via social networks. Maybe you’ll find people close to you who know and can advise you.
You’re not alone.