Unterstützt mein Motherboard mehrere M.2. SSDs?
Ich wollte bevor ich eine weitere SSD kaufe fragen ob das MPG Z590 Gaming Edge Wifi wirklich zwei weitere M.2 SSD Slots hat. Auf der Website von MSI steht das es 3 M.2. Slots hat. Sind damit Slots gemeint die identisch zu dem Slot sind in dem ich meine Kingston SNVS1000G verbaut habe?
Your motherboard has a total of 3 M.2 slots.
A M.2 slot is connected directly to the CPU and is only connected to an Intel CPU of the 11. Generation available. This slot supports PCIe 4.0 x4, i.e. about 7,000 MB/s.
There are 2 more M.2 slots with PCIe 3.0 x4 (approximately 3,500 MB/s). These are connected to the chipset. The use of this deactivates other PCIe slots or SATA ports.
To read: https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/MPG-Z590-GAMING-EDGE-WIFI/Specification
Your Kingston SSD only uses PCIe 3.0 x4 so that all M.2 ports are equivalent or even better than your currently used M.2 slot.
No, they’re a little slower.
But still fast enough. The lexar nm620 is very good for it.