Unterschiedliche Blinkrelais?
Brauche ich unterschiedliche Blinkrelais wenn ich vorne “normale” und hinten LED Blinker habe oder lässt sich das über eins regeln?
Brauche ich unterschiedliche Blinkrelais wenn ich vorne “normale” und hinten LED Blinker habe oder lässt sich das über eins regeln?
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Man, some of these are answers….
I’m going out of a motorcycle….
Usually, the relays used are designed for 4 x 21 Watts.
If a flasher is defective, the frequency increases when you use LED back will also increase the flash frequency.
With LEDs around it can be that you even have continuous light on the flashers. LED ́s are usually in a load range of 0.5 – 1 Watt.
Simply swap the old series relay for a load-independent relay and it already works as it should be.
I’d only use resistance if it’s not different.
(e.g. there are bikes with an integrated relay you don’t get to, or bikes with a warning flash system – they’re already making problems.)
What box are we talking about?
Many use the word LED relays here. but there is no such thing.
The old flash relays are load-dependent. i.e., the flash frequency is dependent on the connected electrical load. The new ones are load-independent, so always flash quickly, whether 2x 1W, 2X 20w, or 1x 20W and 1x 1W. Fuck the ned.
What are we talking about, car, motorcycle, bike, Quadrocopter?
In the car, all electrics are related to the battery voltage, i.e. 12 volts.
If the LED flashers are built for 12 volts, that is to be connected to 12 volts, they can be connected to the flash relay by car.
That’s what every person should think of. Only if the connections require a different condition must existing be adapted.
But you must not forget that the led blinkers have a different consumption resistance than conventional pears. This would result in the flashers either not flashing or too fast
Such a thing would only be thought of if the usual flashers were to be replaced by LED flashers.
As long as LED flashers are used only as an addition to the usual installed flashlights, there is hardly any influence.
know, wrong is human;-) There seems to be only one truth with you, yours.
Why don’t you tell me I didn’t get something, you don’t get it? 😉 If I had seen motorcycle, what would I have asked if car, motorcycle, etc? Doesn’t seem to be the one.
Where else should he build them, as an additional blind?
Um… do you think it builds LED flasher back next the serial blinds?
So you didn’t catch the question and the themes not read. (That’s big “Motorrad”)
And so a great word like “similar” doesn’t make you appear smart anymore.
Leave your old relay and work with resistances. That’s what you’re dealing with and it should work with.
I mean leave in:)
What a bullshit!
Why nonsense? I’ve been so busy. Resistances instead of a new relay.