Unterschiedliche Bildergröße (Datei)?
ich habe eine Drohne die Bilder mit der Auflösung von 5280 x 3956 macht, also 20 MP. Die Datei ist ca. 15 mb groß.
Ich habe jetzt noch eine Kamera, die Fotos mit der Auflösung von 5472 x 3648 macht, also auch 20 MP. Diese Datei ist aber nur 6 mb groß.
Meine frage ist jetzt, wieso die eine unterschiedliche Dateigröße haben? Zu erwähnen ist, dass die Kamera schon etwas älter ist und die Drohne relativ neu.
Compression, depth of colour.
In fact, a 20 MP image consumes uncompressed with standard 24 bit colors 60 megabytes (20.000.000 pixels x 24 bit).
Only Jpeg shrinks the whole thing together, standard on average on a tenth as well as your phone. Mobile phones use this high compression because the users shoot many images. With a drone you don’t take photos every day, so it can choose a lower compression, which then shrinks the image “only” to a quarter. This then has fewer compression artifacts in noise.
This is due to the compression and the color depth of the images, you have 8bit color depth per pixel or 16Bit that makes a huge difference.
Then it’ll probably be there. I don’t think anything about the bit size. Thanks for the help. Thought that every picture that 20 MP has a file of approximately the same size. Is the same for RAW format then? They also differ from me by 20 mb
even if all others have already answered correctly:
In Photoshop, for example, you can additionally choose how strong the compression will be when saving in JPG format. The stronger the compression, the stronger the color ranges are combined even if the image size remains. The file size will then be different.
More on Wikipedia
Thank you for your answer. At RAW, the pictures are not compressed or? Because with me these differ in the good 20 mb size.
In this format, all image information that the camera receives is present. You here.
it is formal that the camera uses for image files. the standard is JEPG or JPG, i.e. a compressed form. the first seems to use a file closer to the original format, or output, e.g. TIF. RAW is the original format, which has the largest volume of data.
Both image files are jpg files. The raw files also differ from me by 20 mb.
Probably the two cameras store in different file formats or at least with different compression factor.
Image files can be compressed differently or not even if the camera can.