Unterschiedliche Bereifung?
Guten Abend liebe Community,
ich bräuchte mal eure Meinung zum Thema Reifen:
Ich hab auf meinem Golf 7 1.4 TSI 92kw (BJ 05/2018) folgende Sommerreifen:
2 mal HANKOOK 225/45 R 17 91Y K125 und 2 mal GOODYEAR 215/45 R 17 91Y XL EAF1 AY5
Jetzt meine Frage, ist das rechtlich bedenklich weil der Abrollumfang unterschiedlich ist? Offiziell darf man ja nur 225/45 fahren, somit haben die Goodyear ja die falsche Größe.
Schonmal vielen Dank im Voraus
Yes logically, that is legal concern who someone looks more closely. You’ve already answered yourself.
I don’t know too much here. I read something about tolerances online… Can’t evaluate it.
That’s why the question is:)
Such a mixing strap may only be used if this combination is exactly the same.
Short and short: No you can’t drive.
Thank you for your answer. I was dressed in a workshop at that time. Is the workshop in the duty to give me the correct tires? Can I complain?
You as a driver / holder are first responsible for the proper condition.
In any case, this is a rough mistake if you have bought the tyres for your vehicle and have them mounted there.
Thank you.
No, they’re narrower, there’s nothing to grind or the like.
Currently the winter tyres are still on
a further question, can this cause damage in any form on the vehicle? Last year, the summer tyres traveled from 03/2022 to 11/2022 :/
…and not drive with the vehicle.
super, thanks for the answer. I will contact the workshop on Monday
Uh-oh, mixed maturity is not possible if it is not registered.
The workshop is in duty and shouldn’t have been able to montir you like that.