Unterschiedliche Bereifung?

Guten Abend liebe Community,

ich bräuchte mal eure Meinung zum Thema Reifen:

Ich hab auf meinem Golf 7 1.4 TSI 92kw (BJ 05/2018) folgende Sommerreifen:

2 mal HANKOOK 225/45 R 17 91Y K125 und 2 mal GOODYEAR 215/45 R 17 91Y XL EAF1 AY5

Jetzt meine Frage, ist das rechtlich bedenklich weil der Abrollumfang unterschiedlich ist? Offiziell darf man ja nur 225/45 fahren, somit haben die Goodyear ja die falsche Größe.

Schonmal vielen Dank im Voraus

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2 years ago

Yes logically, that is legal concern who someone looks more closely. You’ve already answered yourself.

2 years ago

Such a mixing strap may only be used if this combination is exactly the same.

Short and short: No you can’t drive.

2 years ago
Reply to  h0pe123

You as a driver / holder are first responsible for the proper condition.

I was dressed in a workshop at that time. Is the workshop in the duty to give me the correct tires? Can I complain?

In any case, this is a rough mistake if you have bought the tyres for your vehicle and have them mounted there.

2 years ago

No, they’re narrower, there’s nothing to grind or the like.

2 years ago

…and not drive with the vehicle.

2 years ago

Uh-oh, mixed maturity is not possible if it is not registered.

The workshop is in duty and shouldn’t have been able to montir you like that.