Unterschiede zwischen zwei Polaroid Fotos?

Hallo liebe Leser/in.

Ich hätte eine zusätzliche Frage zu meinem letzten Post vor paar Tagen.

Mich plagt noch immer die Frage was der Unterschied zwischen den beiden ist (Bild kommt noch)

das untere mit den Text „The Photos used in Random Instax Photo Film and Random Photo Card Are the Same“
da frage ich mich jetzt, was ist denn jetzt das besondere Zwischenbericht Version mit den Random Instax Photo Film and Random Polaroid Photo Card ? 🤔

PS: Ihr müsst die Gruppe nicht kennen. Nur mir bitte die Unterschiede zwischen den zwei Fotos erklären.

Danke schonmal im Voraus fürs durchlesen und ich hoffe einer kann mich da aufklären 😅

euch noch einen schönen Morgen/Tag/Nachmittag/Abend

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3 years ago


one is instax, the other probably Polaroid 600. So as far as I see/understood, there are images exposed/copyed on Instax or Polaroid material.

But the details of the website are totally controversial Instax Square has 62×62 (72×86 sheet size), Instax Wide has 62×98 (86×108 sheet size) and Polaroid has 78×78 (88×108 sheet size).

From the Instax there are about 5 subtypes/variants of the current 600 Classic as well, in principle there are Color and SW with “Modefilm”.

Instax film and Polaroid have different looks or different colors (Instax Blueprinted, Polaroid green engraving in black). Instax is “flat” like a photo, Polaroid is contoured/plastic because the color layers are stacked and Polaroid can look like watercolor. But you have to manipulate film while developing, that’s what you do with SX70 film. Polaroid 600 is an integral film such as the instax but can still be manipulated. Polaroid SX70 ages faster and “blown” different integral film types are more stable and better UV protected

Instax Square costs about half of Polaroid 600 but also because no battery is required in the film pack. But as a big buyer you will surely buy the leaves in the 100 pack without it.

Random is called “Applause”, you can’t choose the pictures specifically, but you get a “Caubertüt” as in the case of collector’s pictures of the last 150 years (Cigarrenbilder, Kellogs Karten, Kinderschokoladebilder, Panini, Pokémon). Mostly there is an album that you have to do full and the joke is you have to swap with others to get the album full and then, in principle, meet the same “Freaks” that tick similarly and that is the charm of the thing.

3 years ago

From a photographic point of view, I would say that they have different white balances.

The upper goes to the yellow/green and the lower in red/Lila

Hope you can help. I’d like to ask questions.


3 years ago
Reply to  Aloy2807

Ah, I think the difference is that one is printed on photo paper and the other on Polaroid? Can that be a possibility?

3 years ago
Reply to  Aloy2807

Well, then I misunderstood the question. So, as I see, the same photos are included in both packages. So on both versions are the same motives. They differ from the picture look. That means that the colors come a little different. You see that in the pictures. As described above, the white balance differs. So they only differ from optics, not from content. Joa and there’s still a bag with one. That’s what I understood now.

3 years ago

Yeah, I sent you a friend’s request. Can you send me a message?

3 years ago

No, I’m not sure. That was just a guess. I’m sorry I can’t help you. Isn’t my area of expertise. You can send me the link. Then I’d like to take a closer look at you.

3 years ago

Puh, I’m sorry. Since taste is purely subjective in the eye of the viewer. I don’t want you to be wrong. But I might have a good solution. There’s the right to return. So you can order both. You like that and the other you send back as return. Hope this will help you