Unterschiede Core i5 Prozessor?
Ich habe noch ein Laptop Acer Travelmate P253-M mit einem Intel Core i5. Das hat Windows 8 installiert. Nun sehe ich das es neue Laptop mit Windows 11 auch diese Core i5 Prozessor haben. Das wundert mich etwas, weil das Acer Laptop ist von 2014. Das ist schon 10 Jahre her. Haben sich die Prozessoren in der Zeit nicht verbessert, so das sie im Acer Aspire 5 aktuell immer noch angeboten werden ?
Core i5 is simply the general name, as with AMD currently, for example Ryzen 5, but the individual models have naturally become better. At the beginning it was i5 750, now we are at i5 14500
That doesn’t mean anything about the Cpu. There are i5’s already at the 14th generation. More detailed information about the Cpu can be found in the task manager.
For me, it looks like an old CPU is being sold there. Bad marketing.
Or keep around differently. You might think it’s a very new one.
There are different generations of I5 I7 etc
Today, of course, are more powerful
Win11 can also only be installed if the pc has the necessary components
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Intel-Core-i processors
Short: The processor families i3, i5, i7 and i9 are now in the 14th generation. i5 doesn’t say anything about age. The following number is crucial to assess how long a processor is on the market.
Core I5 is a name, since there are other designations that specify the exact processor type.