Difference between positive/negative pole and north/south pole?

We started today in physics with the big topic of electromagnetism :,)

And our teacher somehow said that we shouldn't confuse the plus/minus pole with the north/south pole and explained the difference…

But unfortunately I didn't understand anything…

Would be cool if you could give me an answer that is understandable for people who have difficulty understanding :,)

Or maybe a website where I can read more about it…

LG Mayu :,)

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1 year ago

plus/minus is available in electrical fields. Here there are charge carriers that are individual poles of one or the other charge.

North/south there are magnetic fields. There are no charge carriers (Maxwell equation: div B = 0), and no individual poles, there are only directions of the magnetic flux.

1 year ago

One refers to electric fields, the other to magnetic fields. Batteries have no north and south pole, for example.

1 year ago

Magnets have north and south poles.

With a power source there is + and – pole.

1 year ago

simply said, north/south pole refers to a magnetic field whether horseshoe magnet/rod magnet earth etc.

plus/minus pole on polarity of the electrical voltage