Unterschied zwischen “normalen” Knieschluss und Klemmen?


also, wenn jetzt meine Reitlehrerin sagt, ich soll mein Knie am Sattel halten, (hatte auch mal die sehr bekannte Übung mit dem Geldschein) bzw dass ich mich festhalten soll, hängt das jetzt von mir ab, ob mein Knie nur anliegt oder ob ich mich richtig festklemme?

Ich glaub ich beantworte meine Frage grad selbst, aber ich würd trotzdem gerne mal wissen was ihr meint. Bzw wie ich am Pferd merke, was der Unterschied ist.

Ich habe heute Reitstunde, und werde zu 90% ohne Steigbügel reiten. Also ich würd mich freuen, wenn ihr Übungen habt die ich heute umsetzen kann 🙂


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2 years ago

You can hold your knees as little on the horse as a rope dancer with the toes on the rope. “Knie and Wade are FLACH at the saddle,” says the riding class. There is nothing of “fix”. Knee closure in the form of some pressure to hold up, there is only in the spring saddle when the horse makes an unplanned full braking. Then the knee is braced against the prunes so that you do not flee the neck.
Instead of banknotes there is also the image of 2 raspberries, each one per knee. It must not be lost or crushed…The game with the banknotes is only good for people who can see the sky between knee and saddle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabisabi436

Without stirrup riding is a super thing. This definitely helps to promote the lateral balance. But jamming with the knees, hopping, holding the shoulders, nen hoops or make a hollow stimulus, all goes without a bow as well as with. Will mean: even riding without ironing helps only to a limited extent if no decent correction is made. But do it – it’s more than nix. And best on the Longe, and continue with one-handed riding (both without a bow).

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabisabi436

Don’t do anything if the teacher lets you learn this. If she knew how to teach a loose seat, she would do that.

2 years ago

If you have a feeling that you will feel right away, this reaction is counterproductive; had it already explained in the commentary on Punkgirl

2 years ago

Yes, you can.

2 years ago

It’s crazy that something like that is still being emptied (no, no typos).

Each “holding” with the knees is harmful. For you, for the horse, for your seat, for your riding. And each holding prevents a correct walking with the hip and prevents a loose seat. Of course, you have to work it – but you never get a smooth seat stuck somewhere.

You may not be able to align yourself – if your RL has never learned what it means to teach a supple seat (otherwise it would not do such a exercise…), then you have no chance, except the RL or better probably to change the riding school. Just when I think about the gallop video, that makes sense not to throw money into the throat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabisabi436

How the money is moved doesn’t matter. You pay, she gets something. She gets money for a job we’d reward with school grade 5…

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabisabi436

Well, from where – if you have such a RL, it won’t tell you that you’re putting the horse’s shoulder together with this clamp – not pleasant. And blocks the hip, which in turn prevents proper walking, which in turn also affects the horse. She’s probably gonna teach you to push with the hip…

You’re paying money for a performance that doesn’t happen. And you shouldn’t support that.

2 years ago

…and not only are unpleasant to the horse, but give up any safety. With clamping legs, the saddle becomes a slingshot seat because you give up the necessary balance. Clamping can’t be balanced. In the compartment, you shoot like a paper clip on a too thick pack of paper.

2 years ago

Very well-known exercise with the banknote? Can I get one if I’m not jamming?

We have learned if anything is not normal, put leg long, breathe, still enjoy. Knee away from the horse so that you can not accidentally climb on your knees and catapult from the saddle. Using the word knee closure was under penalty in the circle of our riding instructor at the time because it brought one to the completely wrong idea.

2 years ago

if you make the tips forward, it will automatically remain in the right position.

actually called the “bone flat to the horse”

no one speaks of knuckling for a long time.