Unterschied zwischen Lungenembolie und Sepsis?
Was ist der unterschied zwischen Lungenembolie und Sepsis. Wie stellt man das fest und wie schnell?
Wie wird eine Lungenembolie behandelt?? Sind das 2 ganz unterschiedliche Erkrankungen
Was ist der unterschied zwischen Lungenembolie und Sepsis. Wie stellt man das fest und wie schnell?
Wie wird eine Lungenembolie behandelt?? Sind das 2 ganz unterschiedliche Erkrankungen
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I do not specifically address the diseases, as a search engine can help you out very well. Only so much, the diseases are different, very different.
Wow how can it be that a patient who has a sepsis has been mistreated on lung embolism for 24 hours???
I don’t know, I don’t know the case, and I can’t say that.
Yeah, I would. She would have debt according to lawyer we must accept the legacy of her debt
And again, there are other options and variants. It can also be the both preposition and because of the embolie the sepsis did not first recognize whatever. Or you’re right. Everything is possible but without knowing the facts, you can believe and think and mean what you want. If you’re so sure and it affects someone in your family, then you’ll be able to blame those responsible.
I do. Of course, a patient dies when he was ill-white 24 hours
Again, I have no idea what happened in that case. Without knowing the files and laboratory values, etc., I don’t want to give my opinion.
For me, it sounds like misbooking with death.
Sepsis = blood poisoning
Lungsembolie = cloged blood vessel in the lung
Both REIN GAR NOT have to do with each other.
You could have done it yourself.
Then why are you treated? If it turns out 24 hours, the patient has a sepsis??
What? Don’t understand your question.
Yeah just wanted to secure me. So could my sister have lived? If the sepsis had been treated and not on lung embolism?
I don’t know… I don’t know your sister’s case. Both sepsis and lung enbolia represent acute emergency situations in which immediate action is required.
What hasn’t happened. From rescue service to treatment. Two years ago. I can’t understand. If you had taken my sister to the hospital right now, you wouldn’t have taken over two hours. Then treated to lung embolism.
Sepsis is an inflammation over the whole body and a lung embolism is when a blood clot blocks the vessels in the lung
Yes but how can a doctor confuse it
If not all symptoms are mentioned and the sepsis originate from the lung, the symptoms may be similar. The only thing that clearly distinguishes is the high fever in sepsis.
She was treated for 24 hours.
You said it won’t be better then she would be transferred to the other hospital
I had a sepsis this year and I had acquainted with two lung embolisms and the symptoms were clearly distinguishable. I am suspicion of intestinal inflammation and had urosepsis
Yes, you know
I don’t know. More precisely, I can’t explain this medically, because I’m not myself a specialist.
I also mentioned what could lead to confusion.
How can there be errors? But not with death
I know, but can sometimes be mistakes if you don’t determine the value
After a few minutes you would see on the blu whether it is a lung embolism. Dimmer
Strangely one said that there are 2 very different diseases?? Why not do a blood test
And the confusing fast breathing? The sepsis did not leave the lungs. There’s a blood test for lung embolism, right?? Who’s there within 30 minutes? She would probably still be alive if doctors had properly treated and an ambulance would have come after 8 minutes and not an ambulance after 40 minutes. I will never understand
What have a lung embolism and sepsis in common – nothing
Sepsis: cause, symptoms, treatment | healthy.bund.de
Lungenembolie: Symptoms, causes, treatment | Pharmacies
Yes great honestly how stupid can a doctor be and treat lung emboly if the patient has a sepsis?? Good luck. If one had treated the sepsis immediately, it would probably be there now