Unterschied zwischen Corsair, RX, QX, LX Lüfter?
Hallo vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen ich möchte in mein PC Corsair Lüfter einbauen 9x 140mm und hinten 1x 120mm aber ich kann mich nicht entscheiden welche ich holen soll wo ist der Unterschied zwischen RX, QX, LX Lüfter ? Vielen Dank
Take the ones you like best. By the way, all of the performances are disastrous compared to comparable models. Even Arctic p12 for 4 Euros are better when it comes to volume.
Wouldn’t like to get back from Corsair to what the differences are 😀
Where did you get the catastrophic bad? I just heard good
The RX are the quietest
RX and LX have the better airflow technology (RX slightly better)
QX and LX have better lighting options (the RX only have 8 LEDs, no 36 and therefore can’t show any games like this timewarp effect)