Unterschied zwischen Chlamydien und Chlamydien IgG-Ak?


ich hab heute meine Blutergebnisse von meinem Orthopäden bekommen, weil ich den Verdacht auf Rheuma habe und diese Blutergebnisse sind auffällig. in meinem Blutergebnissem steht, dass eine stattgehabte Chlamydien IgG-AK Infektion stattgefunden hat. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Chlamydien und Chlamydien IgG-Ak?


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9 months ago

If it says that they have detected Chamydien IgG-AK, that means that not the Chlamydia (i.e. the pathogen) themselves were detected, but only antibodies against it. Antibodies are formed by the body as part of the immune reaction.

IgG is a certain class of antibodies that are not formed immediately at the beginning of an infection but only a little later and can also be detected in some cases months or years after undergoing infection. Thus, the detection does not necessarily mean that you have an infection right now, but only that you have an infection.

The best thing is to ask your doctor if something is unclear to you.

9 months ago


Chlamydia are the bacterial pathogens.

IgG stands for immunoglobulin G. This is a large molecule of the immune system produced by so-called B cells. They are specially built that they fit on surface molecules of pathogens, like a key in a lock. If they are on the pathogen, they mark the target, e.g. for fress cells.

Ak stands for antibodies and this is just another word for immunoglobulin. This is, therefore, double-throwed, but they are called.

There are various immunoglobulins, namely A, D, E, G and M. Interesting are now the last two. IgM is formed in acute infections, IgG only much later. So if you only prove IgM, but no IgG, it’s a fresh infection. If IgG can be detected, the infection is already longer.

If both Chlamydia and Chlamydien-IgG are tested, one would like to find out whether the infection is longer or, if no Chlamydia itself is detectable, whether an infection has existed in the past.


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9 months ago
Reply to  Leonyhrzb

There are various types of Chlamydia, e.g. Chlamydia trachomatis, which is responsible for the typical sexually transmitted chlamydia infection. However, there are also other pathogens, such as Chlamydia pneumoniae, which cause pneumonia, but also inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. What has been shown to you in detail is not shown by your information.


9 months ago

The explanation is obvious that currently no existing chlamydia infection has been detected, but that you have antibodies against chlamydia. The meaning of this is what I explained above: A chlamydia infection in the past, which has now formed antibodies. It is also noted in the written statement of findings.


9 months ago

One is the pathogen (chlamydia) and the other is antibodies (AK) of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) type against chlamydia. Say what the body produces as an immune response and can be detected in the blood.

So you had no Chlamydien IgG-AK infection, but because Chlamydien IgG-AK are present, you can see that you once had a Chlamydia infection.

9 months ago

Your doctor can explain