Unterschied zwischen Bier und Meth?

Ich habe heute so ein Getränk in einem Laden gesehen und es mal probiert. Es war so ein Mittelalter Getränk namens Meth/ meet, irgendwie so. Ich will nun wissen ob es sich dabei um Bier oder eine eigene Sorte handelt und ob man es selber brauen kann.

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1 year ago

Met is a kind of honey wein.
This is a very own drink and does not have much to do with beer (except that both are fermented with yeast)

1 year ago

Met is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey.

The production is also possible in principle at home, a large fermentation container with fermentation spund is required.

However, strict cleanliness must be taken care of, as it is easy to get worse.

1 year ago


It’s a honey.

I’ve done it myself, but I can’t recommend it. He tastes very fucking good, but it costs much more than if you would buy it.

You’re currently getting him in almost all the better sorted supermarkets and also with the beekeeper of your trust.

From the supermarket Met I can recommend the brand “Wikinger” and “Bärenmet” of good conscience.


Oh, and the Viking Met can also buy you for a festival or a 10 liter canister.


And I recommend you a drinking horn!

1 year ago


Yeah, can do it yourself.

1 year ago

Beer is made from fermented cereal pulp, mead from honey water. It’s like making wine. But finger away from meth…

1 year ago

Met is honey, so honey, water, possibly fruit juice. And yeast. From this, probably beer-like from production.

1 year ago

Beer is from barley. Met is made of honey.

1 year ago

This is honey wine!
Can you buy or make the same … I guess to buy! 🙂