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m.2 is only the physical interface. This can be connected in 2 ways: either by PCIe (here the NVME protocol is used) or SATA. There was/is also a concussion that can both, but I know it was not much covered.
An SSD for the m.2 port is an elongated module and looks extremely roughly like a flat USB stick. Then there are SSD’s & HDD’s in 2.5″ format, which is mainly used in external drives as well as earlier laptops. The HDD is also available as a 3.5″ drive which is/was its original size in the desktop.
Hard disks use the SATA connection in the homeuser area and offer a theoretical transfer rate of about 150MB/s with SATA3
They rarely reach them and have an access time of about 11-15ms
That was the standard for a long time.
SataSSDs also only offer up to 150MB/s by limiting to the Sata protocol and they sometimes even get up. But have an access time of 1-2ms. This is an advantage over the normal HDDs that makes itself clearly noticeable.
and then came the M2 SSDs, which are not bound to the Sata protocol but directly and create more. depending on the PCI-E version significantly more.
(They can’t be that the numbers are quite right, or ideal values are rarely achieved, but in general the difference in performance is true)
m.2 is the interface here, not the form of the connection. There are also fun Sata m.2 ssds
They do not agree, as with a normal Sata 3 ssd, up to 600mb/s are also possible.
Yes, this is a subtlety from the beginnings when M2 was introduced.
However, is there no longer (?) with current m2 SSDs.
Then you have to read exactly how high the transmission rate and the connection is.
I corrected the Sata values right above.
A M2 SSD connected by Sata protocol (Example) only comes to 540MB/s,
Read an M2 SSD with PCIe 3.0 to about 1800-2000MB/s and write about 1000MB/s.
with PCIe 4 and 5 much more.
Geizhals knows 971 the PCIe are connected and 222 with Sata connection.
So they are not far away, but by the factor 4 there is much more with the faster connection. Or 80/20 if you want to see this in percent.
Sata m.2 SSDs are still available for purchase