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The biggest difference is probably in the price and here and there are a few differences in cultivation and animal husbandry, but then also comes to the organic seal whether this really is deaf or not.
Bio means that the food is produced under certain conditions in order to call itself “bio”. This can be related to the pesticides used for a product, but also the feed with which animals must be fed then be organic, and come from the area. This can therefore be decisive for the cream or the milk in the ice.
Because we will never know the difference, the taste will not be a difference, and from the color and consistency hardly any.
Only a food laboratory can detect any real differences between the two varieties.
We normal consumers can see what’s on the basis of the ingredients list, just don’t vote because even ingredients inside aren’t on it. Only organic is has business thing and there is just money made, a good advertisement with fantasy ingredients makes the product just more expensive.
Not helpful.
Do you think everything that is hidden and concealed in the food industry?
Where bio stands on it doesn’t mean the organic is in it.
😊 Very good
Me, too.
I know what I’m doing in self-made ice.
I made it more often
Even made?
the one ice is organic and the other isn’t?
And vice versa
This was recently investigated by the German food center and filmed in a market cheque doc. There’s no difference.
Hope that helped:)
That’s what I saw at Marktcheck.
The taste::)
Hello, LisaMaria56.
My friend tested this and didn’t really taste a difference.
She had the only difference on her ticket…
Greetings, Renate.