Unterschied Gasgrill und Elektrogrill?
Wir haben beides. Was findet Ihr besser? Ich muss sagen der Gasgeruch vom Gasgrill gefällt mir nicht. Aber ein Elektrogrill ist jetzt auch nicht das höchste der Gefühle zum Grillieren. Welchen Grill nutzt Ihr und warum?
what a real piesmaster is like me, who also has the right grill/smoker for every occasion, that can of course not be realized on a balcony, but also on the two barbecues you have addressed you can prepare something, with a gas grill with lid being much more variable!
Gas grill makes real flames and more heat, and after charcoal grill is the second best alternative.
Barbecue with electric grill is more than half the grill.
If your gas grill smells like gas while grilling, I’d be serious.
You don’t taste a difference, there’s a lot of imagination. In blind tasting, most of them would not taste a difference.
I use different grills depending on Gusto. If I want to produce food, I’ll take gas or electric when I want to play, I’ll take charcoal.
If it’s a very high-quality electric grill, maybe, but with an average favorable gas grill you will achieve far better results than with an average favorable electric grill.
I’ll take care of it. Because I couldn’t find a gas leak…
I use a wooden grill. This is a fire shell with a grate.
Is proper grilling 😶 🌫️
I’m not grilling. No acrylamide.
My condolences
either with charcoal or not
landlord says no
Nothing from both. It tastes better with barbecue.
A coal grill, it just tastes better